Chapter 4

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"Why is it so dark in here?" Mylene asked, looking around.

"Maybe they just turned off the lights, duh..." Chloe answered, rolling her eyes. "Sabrina, keep up." Sabrina nodded and ran to catch up to Chloe.

They kept walking forward down a long hallway. They were beginning to wonder when they would get to the end, or when they were going to meet someone that was going to show them where to go.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

"What's that?" Alix asked. "Sounds like someone is coming."

"Ugh! Finally!" Chloe sighed. "We've been walking. It's time we've met someone that's from here."

Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap...

The girls waited for the person to reach them, but nobody came. The tapping continued, and they were beginning to think no one was coming at all.


"Wahhhh!" Chloe fell backwards at the sudden voice, frightened to death. The other girls backed away as well.

"Behind you..."

"Ahhh!" The girls turned behind them, but no one was there. Their hearts were racing wildly, thinking about where the person speaking could be.

"I... I'm... I'm... Hungry..."

"Who said that?!" Sabrina asked, looking around. "Was it the same person that said welcome?"

"No, that voice sounded different," Marinette answered.

"Shut up, Marinette!" Chloe replied, getting up. "Sabrina may be right anyways."

They looked forward as more tapping came. That's when they saw the first kid, walking in a zombie-like way. He had his mouth wide opened, red stuff dripping out of his mouth.

"I... Is that blood?" Alya backed away. "Is that blood dripping out of his mouth?!"

"I... I'm... Hungry..."

The kid muttered in a low voice as he walked closer to the girls.

"R-run!" Juleka yelled. The girls shrieked and ran for it, the man being the slowest if all as he was carrying all of Chloe and Sabrina's bags.

The boy sniffed. "S... Smell... Smell... Blood... Where... Is... It... Coming... From?..."

"This is creepy? What kind of orphanage is this!" Marinette asked, running as fast as she could with the rest of the others.

They got to the front door... The door that had opened mysterious by itself... The door they had decided to go through... It was closed.

Alya tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. The girls dropped their stuff and tried to help her open it, but the door was locked.

"That creepy kid is getting closer!" Mylene announced, turning back. "What are we going to do?!"

"Quick, let's go the other way," Marinette pointed at the direction they hadn't gone to yet. That hallway was still clear, unlike the other one.

The girls and the man, followed her to the other direction. As Chloe follows as well, being the last, she was able to see the kid's face. He has no eyes.

They continued running, glad that at least the boy was slow.

"Look, there is a door over there. Let's go in and stay there for a while," Alix said, pointing at the dark brown door. The others nodded and followed her inside.

"It's dark," Mylene was breathing heavily as Sabrina shut the door. "I'll try to find the light switch." She ran her fingers against the wall, until she touched the light switch. She switched in on, and they were all glad to see the light come on.

Mylene looked in front of her, and shrieked. A cut off face was on a table in front of her. She backed away, falling on Alya's arms.

"Mylene, it's fine," Juleka said, touching the head. "It's fake. The blood is just paint."

"Why would they put that there?!" Mylene asked. "Trying to scare us to death?"

"H... Hun... Hungry..."

Marinette out a finger against her lips. "Shh...." The girls waited, hearing the footsteps fade away.

"I think he's gone," Alya said, her ear against the door. "That was really creepy, but was that really blood?"

"Alya, you saw how he was walking. And Geez, his voice..." Chloe muttered.

Alya sighed. "You're right, I guess. He looked like a zombie. He was acting like a zombie."

"The biggest regret of my life... Stepping inside this building!" Chloe exclaimed. "Alya, I thought you said this was going to be fun!"

"That is what the people of this building told me," Alya explained. "I don't understand either. I mean... What happened to the kid to make him turn this way?"

"I don't want to stay to find out," Sabrina folded her arms. "I'm going to try to get out of here!"

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