Chapter 24 - Peace

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Tobirama pov:

"Is everything ready, Tobirama?" Aniki asked, popping his head out from the room he was getting ready in.

"Yes, they are all ready and the Uchiha Clan will be arriving soon. Aren't you ready yet??" I asked in annoyance. I wasn't really annoyed about him being late but I was anxious to see Akina. I wanted to see her and make sure for real that she was alright. She had married Madara, or so he had said, and it worried me. Until I saw her smiling and genuinely happy, I wouldn't be able to calm down.

Besides, Madara had told us that Akina had lost her baby because she had pushed herself to heal Izuna. I didn't quite understand what he meant by that because as far as I remember, Akina was blind and healed people using herbs. Had healing Izuna using such methods caused so much stress on her body that she had a miscarriage? I felt like there was something big that we were missing in the picture – something that Madara hadn't told us about.

Aniki had said that Madara had changed. I had seen it too, I suppose, since he had not only married someone out of the clan, a blind non-ninja at that, but he had pushed down his pride to come to us and accept signing a peace treaty with us – it was almost like he was accepting defeat at our hands and agreeing to team up with us because he was left with no other alternative way to protect his clan members and Akina. He was not the kind of man to give up on his dream of becoming the supreme clan so easily, after all, especially when the Uchiha Clan was one that rivaled us in both strength and Kekkei Genkai prowess.

I narrowed my eyes into the distance, wondering what he was planning. Perhaps being the sneaky b****** he has always been, he was planning on tricking us and starting trouble from the inside. I, for one, would not allow him to do that. If Madara showed even the slightest hint of starting trouble, I would kill him without the slightest regard that Aniki believed in him and still considered him as a friend.

"Tobirama sama." A member of our clan spoke upon entering the room I was in. "The Uchiha Clan has arrived."

I narrowed my eyes further and felt strain build up between my brows. "I see. So they've finally come. Welcome them as Aniki has instructed and tell them we will be there shortly."

"As you say, Tobirama sama." He bowed and walked out of the room to proceed as planned.

"Aniki! Are you done yet?! The Uchiha have arrived." I yelled in mild irk.

"A-ah, yes yes, I'm ready!" He hollered, grinning as he exited the room. He was dressed in semi casual robes with the Senju insignia painted on the back.

"Let's go then." I ushered and after taking a deep breath, he walked out of the room proudly. I followed suit and clenched my fists upon sensing the loathsome chakra of the Uchiha.

Upon stepping into a gathering courtyard in the center of the valley where Aniki and Madara had wanted to set up a village, as they had discussed when they were younger, I spotted the Uchiha standing there in groups, chattering with unexpected smiles on their faces. I twitched upon sensing Akina not far away from where I stood and I made my way through the Uchiha, greeting them halfheartedly, only to spot Madara, Akina and Izuna somewhere in the middle of the crowd. I stopped a little distance away and watched them, noticing that Izuna looked weak – he was probably still recovering from the grave injuries I had given him in our last battle – while Akina looked radiant, smiling the brightest smile I had ever seen her give while standing beside Madara. Madara had his arm over Akina's shoulder and he was smiling too – not smirking but smiling like he was genuinely happy and at peace.

I clenched my jaw and fists tightly feeling annoyed and perhaps even a little jealous at the moment. I felt even more irked when I recalled the words Madara had said to me when he had come to discuss the peace treaty – he had mockingly apologized for not giving me the chance to court Akina and make her fall in love with me first.

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