What they first thought when they met you

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Anthony- oh shit oh shit I just ran into someone, fuck apologize!!!! Oh my god they're cute, shit that was their bosses drink oh dammit Anthony! Offer to buy them another. Hurry write down your number I want to see this cutie again.

Boze- these cannons are so fucking badass-ow what the hell watch oooouuuu- oh my god. Holy shit they're so cute. Ask them if they enjoy the museum. Wow a hot person like this really enjoys museums??? Woah ask if they want to walk around with you. OH MY GOD THEY SAID YES!!!! Ok ok ok Erika take a breath. Don't forget to give them your number.

Courtney- wow these vines are fuckin hilarious! I wish I could meet them. They're cute too. Maybe I can message them through vine, what if they let me collaborate with them!!!! Oh my god I hope so. I am in love with them.

Damien- you know Shayne is kind of a drama queen. Oh shit Damien there's a person! Oh shit why am I hugging them I just ran into them. Should I apologize, yes I have to apologize again I feel so bad. Pull away you're being creepy now. Oh no oh no they're crying! Did I make them cry, oh no apologize again. Give them your number!!!! I want them to call me they're cute.

Flitz- I still can't place why this library gives me so much inspiration. I think it might be the cute people that are always here. More specifically that one right there. They keep looking at me, maybe I'm giving them inspiration. They're super cute, play it off Amra come on. Fuck it introduce yourself they're cute. Imma give them my number in hopes of seeing them again because oh my god.

Ian- I seriously hope this editor is good. Our last one was such a flake, I'm glad we got the interview scheduled so soon-holy shit. They're so pretty!!! I already am in love, ok ok ok we should probably look at their work before I start to jump to conclusions.... why is their work so good it's so perfect.

Joven- I still can't believe Lasercorn has to bring in his son. Idk why his sibling couldn't just watch him at the house, but whatever I can't complain. I hope with the distraction we can still play Exploding Kittens. Finally there David is. Holy shit why is his sibling so cute???? That's weird that's Lasercorn's relative. But they look nothing like Lcorn, they're actually good looking.

Keith- I've only known Noah for a couple weeks and I'm already going to his house to meet his best friend. I hope they like me, Noah's my friend. Ok Keith it's ok don't be nervous it's ok, holy shit they're cute!!! Now I really hope they like me. Woah they're funny too oh my god!

Lasercorn- Jesus Christ why today of all days do my babysitters flake on me. God fucking finally there they are! Hopefully they don't think I'm irresponsible, woah they've only had Tyler for seconds and he's already stopped crying. They seems good with kids, hopefully they can be my permanent babysitter.

Mari- you know I saw them staring at me, hopefully they're a good dancer. They at least have their looks going for them. Oh my god the dancing, is this choreographed by them? Because I'm blown away, if I thought that other person was good this one is amazing!!!!!! I wish I was this good, Awe it's already over. Go over and introduce yourself Mari, yes!!!! Oh my god they complimented you, ok take a breath give them your number. Yes!

Noah- I still can't believe fucking (Y/F/N)(Y/L/N) is coming to our Try Not To Laugh. It's gonna be lit!!!! OH MY GOD THERE THEY ARE!!!!! They're so much cuter in person! Woah they're so fit. Ok ok come on Noah you're starting. Oh no they're first????? WHY ARE THEY SO FUNNY!!!!

Olivia- my god why is the photographer late. They told me 3 PM sharp, and it's 3:15. Oh god the doors opening, Okokok your hairs done, your outfits good. Ok Sui you got this. Woah besides the fact that they're very sweaty and in running clothes, they're very attractive. Ok why is this pose so hard! I need it if I want to be in this newest dance, woah woah ok they're going to help me. They're very much in my personal space alrighty this is nice... ok it's already over. Imma give them my number.

Shayne- (keep in mind Shayne is 5 here) hmmmmmmm that person over there is alone. SAD!! Oh no they have no lunch, Shayne won't allow that no no no. Imma go over and give them my lunch and sit with them! Ah they asked if I wanted to be friends YAY!!

Sohinki- I'm so glad Joven actually got (Y/Y/N- your YouTube name) (Y/Y/N) to come onto a Game Bang. I hope they like me, they're one of my favorite youtubers. There they are oh shit oh shit ok Sohinki keep your cool. Nice introduction that was smooth. Ask them to be on your team. THEY SAID YES! Wow he's fun, I'm glad they're having fun.

Wes- I'm sosososoososososososososososoosososososososososososososososososo happy that my brother got me tickets to the art show. My favorite artist is going to be here and I'm excited. Holy shit is that them?? Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!! Ok Wes don't freak out don't freak out, fuck it that's my favorite artist. SHIT THEY KNOW WHO I AM!!!!!!! Oh my god give them your number!!! Yay oh my

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