What you thought when you first met them

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Anthony- fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I have to hurry fuck!!! I'm already 10 minutes late and I need to get this to my fuckin boss before I get fired. HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS ASSHOLE JUST FUCKING RAN INTO ME AND NOW THE COFFEE IS ALL OVER THE FLOOR???? THIS WHORE I SWEAR TO GO-woah. He's fiiiine, but that doesn't change the fact that now I have to GET A FUCKIN NOTHER ORDER!!!!!! Oh my god he's going to buy it for me??? He's so sweet, ok ok now I have to run. That smooth ass bitch, he gave me his number.

Boze- i love this museum so much, I think it'd be more enjoyable if I was with someone. Oh shit good job (Y/N) you just ran into someone! Woah, she's beautiful!!! I can't believe she just asked me if I enjoy museums!!! Of course I do, wow she's hilarious! Holy shit she just asked if I wanted to walk around with her!!! I hope I can get her number.

Courtney- ah her vines are hilarious I'm honestly blown away. Oh my damn look at her, she's so fucKING HOT!!!!! Wow I really really wish I could meet her, she's seriously so amazing. Holy shit she's hilarious! This woman is perfect.

Damien- god why did my mom have to say that!!!!!! Who cares if I'm bisexual!! (I apologize if you're not but I just needed to use it for the plot I'm sorry! If it really bothers you you can replace it with a different story line) she's so close minded, I wish everything was simple. WOAH BITCH WHO THE HELL IS TOUCHING ME!!!! Oh my it was a hot guy, ok ok now he's hugging me???? Why is this happening, you know what fuck it I'm sad and need a hug. He's apologizing so much I should just brush it off it's ok, he's giving me his number!! He's sweet, he's the first person to be this nice to me in a long time.

Flitz- my god why can't my poems be as good as these!!! I'm just as passionate as these authors yet my writing is nothing compared to them. Woah, so I'm over here stressing out and suddenly this hot ass bastard decides to sit next to me. I should probably stop staring at him, oh fuck I think he noticed. Oh no is he talking to me!!! His name is Flitz, interesting. OH MY SHIT I GOT HIS NUMBER I AM AMAZING!!

Ian- I wonder when the possible employers are going to be here. I have my whole presentation ready, everything looks good. God my last employer really fucked me over. I used to think my work was amazing! Not anymore apparently, oh shit (Y/N) get yourself together they're here! Oh shit, the one in the glasses is cute. I really hope they pick me. I wanna get to know this hottie more, in many ways.

Joven- David seriously couldn't just leave me and Tyler at home?? We would've been fine but NOOoOoOO protective big brother doesn't trust me anymore! Whatever, I guess luckily I'll get to meet all his associates he talks about. Yeah yeah yeah i know where we-woooooahhh it should be illegal to be that fine. Damn that's Joven????? Every time David talks about him I expected a fuckin fat big ugly bitch but that man? He's hot as hell holy shit.

Keith- I don't know who this Keith guy is but I don't think I trust him. Noah is MY best friend and he's only known Keith for like a month and he's already talking about him moving in with us. Yeah what fuckin ever. Ugh they're coming upstairs I should at least act like I want to meet him. FUCK!!! I expected a guy, way taller, and WAAAAYYYY less attractive!! How am I supposed to hate him if he's cute!! Oh no.

Lasercorn- this guy sounded really hectic on the phone, hopefully he doesn't lose his shit on me. Oh that was quick, oh fuck the child's already crying. What was his name, Tyrone? No tyler!!!! Oh come on getting him to calm down was easy why is he looking at me like that. Woah, his fuckin hair. This guy is a dad???? He looks way too hot honestly, well shit he has to go! Sad.

Mari- oh my fucking god. I have never seen a more beautiful woman. Her dress fits her form so well, she's got the grace of a swan and she's got the ass of a dancer. My god, I really wish I didn't have to dance. I could just stare at her all day. *after dance* oh shit is that her coming over. Oh no oh no oh no I'm so sweaty ah!!!! Mari, that name suits her. She's actually giving me her number!!!!!!!!

Noah- hopefully this is more fun then the last YouTube video I was invited to. So far the crew and people I've met have been amazingly friendly so I don't see why they wouldn't be. Woah hello beefcake Shayne. Oh my damn, get out of my fuckin way Shayne I wanna look at that guy!! Holy shit that's Noah! He's adorable, i love his hair and hiS SMILE IM WEAK!!!! I'm sure my mama would immediately approve. Dang we're starting, holy shit he was so easy to crack!!!!!!!! I'm glad I tipped the crew off to have him call me I'm smart as fuck.

Olivia- fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck I can't believe I'm late, of all the things to be. And of all the days, I told her 3 pm sharp dammit!!! I'm gonna look so unprofessional, I'm in running clothes!!! Ok don't introduce yourself just get the camera set up and start taking photos. Never mind that's even more unprofessional, apologize a little bit. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw she's gorgeous. This is not ok!!! I'm supposed to be focusing on the camera not the woman!! Oh god. Ok ok I know this pose is very important, I just need her to get in the right position. Holy shit I'm so close I'm so close. Thank god i got to touch her, and get her number!

Shayne- I wish I had someone to eat lunch with, I'm lonely. It's ok I don't have anything to eat, more for my daddy! Oh someone's coming over here. It's that Shayne boy! He's nice I like him, YAY!!! He said he'd be my friend *loud screeching*

(Trigger warning for this next one- italics are the voices)
Sohinki- you know these videos look really fun. I just hope the voices don't interrupt too much during the video
Of course we will
Yeah yeah yeah whatever. Oh hey look there's a really hot guy over there, I wonder if he's part of the crew or if he's going to be on camera with me
He probably wants to kill you. Oh shit oh shit (Y/N) we have to get out of here!
Oh my god shut up we're fine, oh no he's coming over here!
Get out of there!! Don't talk to him you'll embarrass yourself!
Shut the fuck up hes talking, he's being sweet! And funny and smooth
That's what he wants you to this of him
You need to stop talking! He knows me!
In your dreams. I'm so glad he's going to be on my team!!!

Wes- I'm so bored. Yeah I'm glad my artwork is more famous and they wanted me to display it but I have no one to talk to and I'm so bored. Woah woah woah wait, that guy walking over here. Is that, oh my god it's wes Johnson. From smosh!!!!' HOLY SHIT! Wait he's literally talking to me. He knows my paintings??? He knows me? THIS IS AMAZING I CANT BELIEVE IT!! Tell him how much you love him! Yes see you're bonding, YOU GOT HIS FUCKING NUMBER (Y/N) YOU BADASS YES!

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