First date

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Anthony- you guys didn't go on your first date for almost 4 months. At the time of you guys meeting you had a really really busy work schedule and could barely talk. But after those two busy months you spent hours talking to each other and finally Anthony asked you to go to coffee- at the same Starbucks you met at. He spent a lot of the time being a genuine sweetheart and trying to keep the conversation on you. He liked hearing about you more then he liked to talk about himself.

Boze- Boze asked you to go on your first date after only a week. After your great meeting at a place you both love she heard about the new exhibit and immediately texted you to ask if you wanted to go. Obviously you said yes and put on your best outfit, when she picked you up you guys spent the whole car ride freaking about how much you guys had been looking forward to see the exhibit.

Courtney- your guys' first date was the first time you got together and collaborated for vine. At first you didn't call it a date but half way through she said, "I'm enjoying this date". So that's what it became. You two spent the whole day coming up with ideas and sharing funny ass jokes, ideas, etc. You even ended up passing out over at her place.

Damien- your first date with Damien was the next day. You texted Damien that night and asked him if he could call you, because you were lonely and sad. He asked you if you wanted to go to dinner with him that night so you weren't home alone all day. When he picked you up you were both laughing about how you guys had only known each other for a day.

Flitz- your first date with Flitz was a couple weeks later. Both of you were hesitant to ask the other on a date. Before he asked you however, most of your conversations included switching poems and stories. And of course your first date was at the library. You guys tried to be quiet but ended up getting kicked out for laughing your asses off at each other.

Ian- your first date wasn't until you'd been working for Smosh for 2 years. You always thought it'd be awkward if you went on a date with your boss. Finally you were talking with Courtney about your crush on Ian during lunch, and he came down and heard you. He snapped and said, "I'm taking you to lunch." You were very embarrassed but once he bought you food and asked if you actually liked him it became much less awkward and you enjoyed your time with him.

Joven- your guys' first date was a complete secret, but it was out in the open at the very same time. He asked you to be on a video with just him on his channel. At first you guys were trying to play it cool even though you're lasercorn's sibling on a video with his friend.  After the video you guys spent hours trying to edit but losing your shit about each other instead.

Keith- your first date was more of a double date about a year after you met. Noah has recently started dating this girl and he wanted to take her out. He kinda played you both because he knows about your feelings for each other and he asked you both if you'd go to dinner with him and his girlfriend. After that dinner you two became even more close and started going on dates every week.

Lasercorn- your first date was a month after you met. Lasercorn asked you to come over and babysit Tyler, you came over but then Lcorn got a call saying he didn't need to go to work. You were just going to go home but when Tyler saw you he begged for you to stay for lunch. After he went down for his nap, you and Lasercorn talked about each other and started to learn more about one another.

Mari- your guys' first date was a dinner/ballet combo, a year after you'd met. You guys continually texted and sometimes saw each other but when she actually took you to the restaurant and started to learn more about you, that was the actual date. During the ballet you guys got yelled at twice however for trash taking the ballerinas, after all you two were WAAAAYYYYYY better.

Noah- your guys' first date was set up by the Smosh Squad. After the Try Not To Laugh video you met up with everyone in Smosh just to have lunch with them all or giving them tickets to your most recent movie premiers. But then you and Noah confided in Keith about your feelings for one another and he told Olivia, Courtney, and shayne. So they pretended they were inviting you over to do another TNTL but instead locked you and Noah in a room with food and made you guys bond and talk about your lives for a hour. That was the first time you'd told anyone or even talked to anyone about your mom passing away since the day she died.

Olivia- 4 months after your half disaster half perfect meeting, you finally asked her to come back for another photo shoot. After you asked her if she was busy, and when she said no you took her to (your favorite cafe). You guys had the time of your lives. You spent almost 3 hours there just talking. You had already loved her on some level before but after that you smashed into the earth after her.

(Small trigger warning- mentions of past abuse- just says a couple words no details)
Shayne- your first date wasn't even until you were 17. Neither of you realized your feelings for one another until after his parents took you in. One day you guys were walking home from school together and you ended up spotting your drunken old abusive No longer dad. Shayne quickly took action and dragged you roads away, he never saw you guys but you had been terrified. Who wouldn't be. So he took you to lunch at McDonald's and even though at the time it wasn't really a date you both know and consider it as such.

Sohinki- your first date was immediately after the Game Bang. You were packing up your stuff, while no one was around. When you're alone you tend to talk to yourself or the voices to keep yourself grounded. He walked in on you and you immediately panicked. You didn't want him to think you were a freak or were crazy but he hugged you softly and calmed you down. After he offered to take you to coffee and just talk to you.

Wes- you asked Wes on your guys' first date 2 weeks after you met. You guys had been texting pretty much nonstop and that day neither of you had anything to do. So you asked him if he wanted to come over, watch Netflix, eat junk food and just have fun. He was at your place in a solid 5 minutes, you guys didn't even start a movie for another 2 hours because you guys just talked. You showed him some paintings you were working on, or ones he'd never seen, and he told you about what it's like to work for Smosh. Finally you got through a solid 5 pounds of food and 2 movies and before you knew what was happening, the night and a very very nIIIIce ending if you know what I mean.

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