friday night lights

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summer looked at her halfway straighten hair before letting out a long sigh. ian was sitting on her bed looking at his phone.

"ian! i can't do this. come straighten my hair"

ian got up and let out an audible groan as he walked over to the bathroom connected to her room. he took the straightener from summer's hands as he held a few strands in his fingers as he ran the straightener over it.

"who're you looking so pretty for?"

"myself, tuh, don't try me like that." summer rolled her eyes as ian straightened another strand of her hair. "thank you though."

"mhm.. so, what was up with matt texting you about the other night?"

summer glared at him through the mirror.

"did you give him my number?"

ian bit his bottom lip.

"hey, he asked for it."

summer didn't believe him for a solid second. she just shrugged.

"i'm done."

summer looked at her hair with a mirror and smiled, hugging ian.

"thank you!" summer looked through her closet for a hat to put on according to the theme, pink out. she found a pink nike hat and put it on, fixing it in the mirror. summer walked out of her room and picked up a pair of light pink vans, putting them on before looking at herself in her full body mirror. ian appeared behind her with a thumbs up before grabbing her hand and practically dragging her out of the room.

"c'mon. we're gonna be late to the game."

summer rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse on the way out. she texted her mom quickly letting her know she was going to the football game before walking to the car with ian.

"hey summer..." ian had a nervous look on his face as he drove down the street of their school.

"what's up?"

"i need to talk to you before we go in."

summer turned in her seat, facing him. "what's up?"

"i'm gay."

summer's eyes widened as she sat back into her seat. she looked into the mirror on the outside of the car before looking back at ian.

"okay? i knew that already. you act like it."

"i don't know what that's supposed to mean so i'm just gonna go with you don't care or it doesn't bother you."

summer nodded, hearing her phone go off.

mom: ok :) see you after the game ❤️ stay safe.

text to mom: of course. see u laterz

summer clicked her phone off and turned the ringer off. ian pulled into the parking lot in front of the stadium. they both unbuckled their seatbelts and got out of the car and closing their doors. summer clutched onto her purse, grabbing the money out of it. she held it in her hand as she walked up to the lady giving out tickets. after the exchange, ian insisted they get snacks before the game or they wouldn't get to keep their spot if they left mid game. summer agreed, standing in line with ian.

"so what made you realize?" summer quizzed ian, crossing her arms.

"you." ian paused "just kidding, i don't know. it just didn't feel right being with girls so. i kinda put what pieces i had together and realized that i wasn't just scouting out hot guys for you." he shrugged, walking up to order two drinks and a snickers bar. he handed one to summer and she rolled her eyes.

"i'm paying you back, fool." she opened the gatorade he had bought her and took a sip before walking after him into the stadium. they both sat down in the junior section, talking to a few people around them. one of ian's friends sat next to summer, smiling and waving to her.

"hey... summer right?" he spoke to her, receiving a nod in return. "i'm ciaran."

"okay." summer looked at him and then back to ian, continuing the conversation they were in.

soon the game started and everyone was standing up, cheering and talking amongst each other. summer looked through the senior section, seeing matt mingle with some of his upperclassmen friends. she rolled her eyes, looking at the scoreboard.

text to mom: we are losing SO bad right now it's embarrassing!

mom: want me to come get you?

text to mom: if i wasn't going to eat afterwards id say yes.

mom: alright baby, see you later. i love you!

text to mom: i love you too ttyl

summer sighed looking at ian.

"i do not wanna be here for much longer"

"we have 5 minutes left until the game is over. this is embarrassing for like the second or third game of the season." ian cupped his hands over his mouth to make his voice louder. some senior turned around to ian, saying something in reply to his snarky comment.

"this will probably be our worst season kid, don't count on us winning any games."

ian just shrugged before looking at summer and whisper shouting 'i didnt ask' to her. she laughed a bit and took a sip of what was left of her gatorade. as soon as the clock hit zero, most of the freshman and sophomores started leaving, which left juniors and seniors. everyone filled out soon enough and summer found herself at her least favorite restaurant. mostly seniors and juniors were there, but a few freshman and sophomores were there too. summer was talking to the ciaran kid from the game, and seemed just too distracted to notice ian had left with someone. summer looked for her ride home and eventually found she was left to no chance of a ride home.

"fuck" summer mumbled, looking at ciaran.

"what's wrong? did i do something?"

summer shook her head no. "no, my ride left with someone and i currently have no one else to take me home."

"that sucks." ciaran stood up, looking at the time on his phone. summer did not get the response she was looking for. "well, i gotta go. bye summer."

she rolled her eyes and sat back at her seat, texting her mom.

text to mom: are you up?

text to mom: my ride left :/

text to mom: im guessing youre asleep.

text to mom: ill find a ride.

summer looked around the restaurant, realizing she knew nobody at the moment. she saw one familiar face, but couldn't be bothered to ask him.

mom: hey honey, i'm up. i accidentally fell asleep.

text to mom: can you come pick me up from Sandy's Diner ?

mom: yes. i'm on my way.

summer knew it would take her mom 15 minutes to get there but she didn't want to stand outside because it was starting to get cold out. she stared at the floor for a few minutes until a pair of shoes stood in front of her. she looked up to meet eyes with matt. she sighed before standing up.

"what's wrong lane? got a problem with me?"

summer looked up at him with a glare in her eyes.

"your ride leave? were you just too unbearable?"

summer stepped out of her booth and started walking away from him.

"i'm talking to you, bitch."

she turned around, looking at the nasty look he was giving her.


bitch : m.c.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora