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summer had never been on a real "date." or whatever you would call what her and matt were on.

summer was watching matt stare at the city lights, his face lit up at every color change. the two of them seemed at peace.

matt dropped summer off at her house later that night. obviously she had been gone for longer than the expected hour, however she wasn't mad. matt was standing with summer outside of her front door, mid conversation.

"thank you so much for tonight, matt. it was one of the best times ive had with you in a while." she flashed a quick smile, reaching for the door handle. matt grabbed her hand quickly but carefully.

"we still need to talk, thats why i brought you out." he had a shaky tone but maintained his physical appearance.

summer's heart dropped a bit, she felt like she had done something wrong. "what's up?"

"uh, so i really don't know how to put this into words without sounding really dumb, so i'll just say it straight forward." he paused for a second, then shifted his eyes towards summer.

"do you want to be my girlfriend?"

summer's heart was pounding. she had basically been waiting for him to ask but she never expected it to be now. things felt like they were falling right into place. summer then realized, she had been dead silent for a minute or two and matt was getting nervous.

"oh shit, yes dude!" she had the biggest smile on her face. "i thought you'd never ask." matt's worry was over come with happiness. they pulled each other into a hug. matt quickly pecked her cheek, letting her go.

"enjoy your night summer." matt stepped away, walking towards his car backwards.

"text me when you get home safe, okay?"


summer went inside, facing her dad.

"where have you been?" he didn't have an angry tone, it was more worried than anything.

"im sorry dad, i thought i was going out to eat and uh matt pulled this whole 'date' thing out for the two of us. i shouldve texted you im sorry." summer held up quotation marks with her fingers with the word date.

matty b: im home

"it's fine summer, just please tell me where you're going next time.. i was worried sick"

summer nodded and hugged her dad. she went upstairs to her room touching her neck, noticing something was gone.

the necklace.

'fuck!' summer couldn't think to where she could've put it. she searched her room frantically and it made her more worried when she couldn't find it. maybe she left it in his car?

text to matty b: thank u

text to matty b: have u seen my necklace u got me?? i never take it off..

matty b: no i dont think so

matty b: wait hang on i actually think its in my car ill check in the morning though i'm exhausted

text to matty b: ok tysm

matty b: ofc mamas

summer's cheeks burned at the nickname. no, she wasn't used to it at all. the only "relationship" she had ever been in was some 4th grade crush. didn't really count.

she clicked her phone off, searching her room for his hoodie that she basically rebranded as her own. only problem was, she couldn't find it.

"why am i losing everything today!" summer let out a sigh of frustration before rummaging through here drawers, eventually finding it at the bottom of her closet. it set her off, because she knew she hadn't put it there. she had worn it two nights ago.

summer went to sleep that night and woke up to the doorbell ringing around 7 in the morning. she walked downstairs, still in her totally not matching pajamas.


"is your father home?" a very important looking guy stood in the door frame.

"uh.. he should be. who's askin?" summer rubbed her eyes gently before looking back at the guy.

"no reason, just need to speak to him."

summer shrugged and walked away, looking for her father in his room. only problem was she couldn't find him either. living room, nope. kitchen, nope. upstairs bathroom, nope. summer returned back to the door just as confused as she could make herself appear.

"yeah um normally he's here so like, don't ask me. maybe come back later or something. i don't know."

she proceeded to close the door and lock it, going back upstairs to sleep.

text to pops!: hey dad this guy came to the house lookin for u

pops!: oh yeah, its some stuff for your mother.

text to pops!: oh, okay. i told him to come back later

pops!: okay, thats fine. ill be home soon.

summer turned over, hugging a stuffed animal she normally slept with. today wasn't too bad of a day already but this nap was about to be needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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