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matty b: aye shawty 😖 link?

text to matty b: shut up omg

matty b: nah fr do you wanna hang out tmw

text to matty b: my dad wants to spend time w me :( he just got back from like a 2 week business trip im sorry

matty b: you good shawty 😁 see u later

text to matty b: stop calling me shawty its so funny

summer was sitting on the couch next to her dad, telling him about how much fun she had even though she really missed him. summer didn't really want to talk about the party because certain aspects of it were bugging her. she didn't want to confront matt but she knew that she would have to at some point.

cici: hey wyd

text to cici: w my dad.

cici: come 2 my place

text to cici: cant :/

summer put her phone down, listening to it ring. she let out a sigh, just thinking it was ciaran trying to get ahold of her. summer and her dad went out for dinner together and when summer got home, she checked her phone again, noticing the call wasn't ciaran at all.

she immediately called the number back, listening to it go to voicemail. she didn't want to look insane but she continued to call back until she got a pick up.

matt spoke on the other line with a cheery voice. summer didn't expect him to sound as excited as he was, but he was pretty happy.

'summer i know you're busy and all but do you think you could squish an hour of me-time in today? maybe around 6:30?'

summer responded with the same energy he had.

"hmm, sure. i'll let my dad know. what's going on?"

'maybe a dinner..... uhh.. ok. i need to talk to you.. over dinner' matt's tone changed halfway through the first used word dinner.

"okay, that's fine with me. is something wrong?"

'no, everything is far from wrong. i'll pick you up at 6:30'

summer smiled before nodding, and verbally affirming the time. summer got a notification from instagram

royblair: hii :))

summer didnt respond, she had zero idea who this guy was, and didn't really want to know either.

summer detached herself from her phone and turned off the tv, walking upstairs to her room. it only being 3:15 she had time to watch a movie with her dad before she started to get ready.

the two decided to watch a couple episodes of her dad's new favorite show before she decided her cut off time. her dad was fine with them going to dinner and let her go do her own thing.

summer finished washing herself up, watching the clock hit 6:20. she quickly threw on a tank top and a sweater over the tank. she slipped into some jeans and brushed her hair one last time, listening to the doorbell ring. summer grabbed her bag and went downstairs, waving to her dad before opening the door, face to face with matt.

"hey!" summer grinned, stepping out of the house. matt returned a smile, something about his demeanor was different. everything was a lot more calmer and he didn't seem to have whatever attitude he normally did.

"hey, where do you wanna go? i'm down for anything girly." matt opened the door for summer, letting her get into the seat.

"girly?" summer rose an eyebrow, as she reached to close the door. matt opened the driver's door and sat down.

"uh, yeah, you're a girl?" matt tried to hide how nervous he was but it was barely working. it was enough to fool summer though.

"okay, what about olive garden?" summer just wanted breadsticks, but she couldn't pass up any time with matt.

"i'm cool with that, what do you even eat there?" matt joked with summer, trying to lighten his own mood so he'd calm down. summer just smiled, rolling her eyes at the question.

the ride was far from quiet, matt was asking about her dad and what he does. summer was mostly just asking if they were anywhere close. the ride seemed to get longer and summer was starting to realize that the plan was going its own way now.

"where are we going, matt?"

"well, definitely not olive garden because we've passed at least four of them. i wanted to show you something."

"okay, i didn't want olive garden anyways." summer had a joking tone, watching matt bite his bottom lip nervously. "are you okay?"

"yeah, i'll be okay." he gripped the steering wheel, making glances over at summer every couple seconds.

matt pulled into a parking garage. matt had driven all the way to the city, which was about a 45 minute drive. the two got out of the car, looking out at the skyline.

the sun had already set and the city lights made summer's eyes light up. matt watched the smile on her face grew. she knew the night was just beginning.

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