Chapter Five

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We are finally a couple miles away from the village, in which I found Bushi- my older brother. I have never felt so relieved and thankful in my life, I finally have him back. 

After strolling for a few more hours we came across a pretty shady merchant town. Maybe in the background there was human trafficking, drug dealing or gambling- there was most definitely some illegal business going on. Although in the forefront it appeared to be a very cheerful and welcoming place, I knew it put on. I think I have a sense for places like these... places that have bad auras about them. 

Sooner than I anticipated, we were spotted by an individual. But as one gaze came upon us many other followed. I didn't have to say word to the boys for them to draw their weapons and position themselves in a fighting stance. 

We won't get halfway through all these people. They're too heavily armed and there's for sure too many of them- I thought.

'Each of you lower your weapons!' I command quietly.

'B-but.. what if they attack?' Ite panics. 

I snicker a little, 'Then we run for our lives'. I grab hold of Bushi's and Ite's arm before shouting to Senshi, 'Follow us Senshi'.

Not only are the villagers dumbfounded by us running away but they are also extremely mad as they charge for us. 

I found the escape route- a dark alley but they will for sure catch up by the end of the path. I would have to let go of the two on my arm and run. So instead of making them get absorbed in the platoon behind me, I tense my arms and use some up-force wind to throw Ite and Bushi up onto the roof. 

'Run you guys! You as well Senshi, I'll kill you myself if you don't do as I say!'

I began running faster and looked behind me. Some were struggling to find their way onto the rooftops but at least three quarters of them were still chasing me. Proves that there must be some human trafficking or prostitution going on in this town, seeming that they're focused on a me rather than the males on the roof. 

As I was busy thinking I didnt realise how soon the turn was coming up, I slowed down a little to make the sudden turn. Unfortunately I dont have any luck and crashed into a wall-... oh wait it was a man. 

Arms were wrapped around me securely, causing me to look up. This unknown person was beyond handsome. Piercing hazel eyes, combed up chocolate brown hair and a sharp jawline, I can't forget the body on this man- bulging biceps, rock hard abs and a chest that could be a wall. I also spot the samurai sword clipped into his waist belt. 

'Oh, I'm so sorry!' I say as I struggle to get out of his grip, bust his gaze is preoccupied with the men charging down the alley. 

'You're being chased by all those men... what kind of woman are you? I mean yes you are beautiful and have an amazing shine to your eyes but really, you seduced all of those men?' He chuckles with his deep and raspy voice. 

'It's not like I want them to be following me! I need to go...' I breathe in deeply, a bit embarrassed at the given compliments, 'thank you for the, uh- compliments.'

I push his body hard and slam my foot down upon his and I'm finally released as he caresses his foot, 'Sorry for taking up your time and for any given inconvenience!'

The strange handsome man sinks in to the shadows as I run down the street.

'Well that woman is in for a treat real soon' the man said. 

Up ahead there was a clearing, it was the centre of the town and the boys were waiting there for me. I was being tailed pretty well and I got to them just in time before the platoon of people came upon the clearing as well. The rows upon rows of men had come to a stop to catch their breath. 

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