Chapter Nine

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"Well the main reason I am doing all of this is to recover the fourth treasure. I currently have three of them but the fourth was stolen on the night my parents were murdered. The treasures are said to hold the kingdom together; the sword representing strength (the one I carry with me at all times), the wolf carving- meaning the bonds between the people, and the neckless to show wealth but with beauty." I explain. 

"I understand but what happened at the very beginning of this?" Heiki questions. 

"In short, I had Senshi appointed as my body guard and we set off together. We then had a little incident between Ite and I but everything is fine. I was then kidnapped in my sleep after running off from Ite and Senshi because he had told him who I really was; it really ticked me off. Ended up I was kidnapped by Bushi's villagers and thats how we had a small battle, resulting in then recognising him as my brother." I breathed out, "I came upon discovering I could control three of the elements; earth, wind and fire."

"Yes. I noticed you were special from the moment you crashed into me." He replies with a deep chuckle, staring so deeply into my eyes. 

I blushed so many different shades of pink before I could look down and form a few words: "well I guess until I go back to the castle, thats all I have to tell you."

"what will happen when you go back?"

"If I have the fourth treasure I will have my coronation."

He had a long pause but nodded. "I dont have parents either. I don't think I was even old enough to remember them when I was younger. They had left me outside an orphanage."

"Well that must be why you are so strong willed, you had been raised to be."

"Apparently a disease had whipped out my village and my parents were the last ones to survive but they left me at the orphanage as they knew they didnt have long left. I don't know if I believe it but thats what was said when I asked around the orphanage." He said, it looked like he was grieving. So to cheer him up I said:

"And that is why you are special." I brightly smiled.

"I can't believe I fell in love with a Princess..." he says almost as quiet as a whisper, whilst staring into my eyes. 

I forgot how to breathe. My eyes had widened tremendously and my hands were shaking. I was staring directly back at him and a tear had fell from my cheek. 

"What's wrong? You look so daunted." he asks, moving his hand to wipe the trail of tears away but before he could touch me, I slapped his hand away. 

I took off running. Its all I seem to do these days, is run away. Its all I can ever do. 

"Jidai!" Heiki shouts, his voice filled with regret. 

Everyone came running, having heard Heiki's shout.

"Where is she? What did you say to her?" Ite asked.

"She took off running after I told her I loved her." 

"What have you done! She must have told you about her parents!" Senshi says angered. 

"Yes she did. What about it?" his words were followed by a huge pause. 

"She's afraid." Ite states. 

Senshi carries on, "she's scared of losing people and blames herself for all wrong doings that come upon them. She believes that the world is better off without her and that no one should ever love her."

Everyone was horrified with Senshi's words and the other three were on the verge of tears from the discovery of the pain I always hid so well. 

My breathing and my heart rate were erratic. They're better off without me, I can find the fourth treasure on my own.  Bushi can be crowned king, Senshi can go back to his life without war , Ite can go back to his family- that I am sure are worried. Heiki, he can live a peaceful life just like before, before I crashed into him and before I potentially get him killed. 

I shouldn't even exist.

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