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A year and a half later...

It's the day of the coronation. I'm excited but afraid; I will have the kingdoms fate in my hands- that includes the boys' lives as well. But! I wont be doing it alone, I have my husband with me. When I returned I thought I would be coronated as soon as possible but was surprised to find out that was not the case.

Instead of throwing us straight in, my subordinates had given me new training and professional practices. Not only was I trained but Heiki was as well, more so him than me because of his lack of know how. He would get frustrated but he gradually got the hang of things; I am more than happy to have him by my side and many had told me that he is a great man with an extremely warm heart. 

I met my newly wed husband at the door of the church and curtsied as gracefully as I could in my thick golden and white ballgown whilst being a few extra inches off the ground. He bowed back with a small smirk, "You ready my Queen?".

"I'm not a queen just yet but I am for sure yours." I said with a small smile, his smirk will always make him appear more handsome. 

"You have always been a queen to me.." he winked and linked arms with me, we prepared to walk through the doors. 

I take a deep breath in and finally nod at the guards. The doors slowly creek open, firstly showing the Priest upon the small stage with crowds of people sitting upon the rows and rows of seats. Light was shining brightly through the stained glass windows; emitting beautiful colours onto the whites of my dress, I smiled brightly up at Heiki. 

The moment couldn't have been more perfect and felt like I was reliving our marriage all over again. His eyes glowed with love, appreciation and kindness whilst staring into mine. We hadn't realised we reached the Priest, until he coughed diligently- causing everyone in the room to laugh as we ripped away from each others affectionate gaze with a deep blush. We really were in love. 

"I welcome Heiki and Princess Jidai, husband and wife back to this church. I never expected her to come back so soon after finding the last sacred treasure but she did and brought a few loving people back with her." The priest started, "I am here today to finally unite these two souls to this kingdom that has slowly fell into despair following the death of the late king and queen."

At the mention of my parents I began tearing up, it was still a fresh wound and even more so now as I was taking their place. They were really gone forever and it deeply saddened me but the pain was relieved a little as Heiki consumed my tiny hand in his large one. 

"I shall now begin the coronation." The Priest said, asking the holders to come forward with the two crowns. Taking Heiki's crown from the cushion delicately, the Priest asked him to kneel. 

Letting go of my hand Heiki knelt down and kept his head straight ahead, his crown was placed upon his fluffy brown hair and we both peeked at each other with smiles on our faces. 

"Please rise, King Heiki." Priest commanded, the crowd remained silent waiting for my crown to be placed. 

Taking up my crown the priest approached me, "Please bow a little Jidai." I did as told and waited for the crown to be on my head. Rising back up slowly at his command I waited for the cheers to erupt. 

"All hail King Heiki and Queen Jidai!" He shouted from behind us as my husband and I joined hands, facing the people I came to love within my lifetime as a princess. I am now a queen, my relationship and bonds will exceed just this country and go beyond. 

Applaud erupted in the room with cheers and hopes for success, I have never been so happy in my life. Ite, Senshi and Airi were clapping like madmen. If only Iseki could be here right now but he would be taking up at least two thirds of this room id that was the case. I'm sure he is celebrating in his own way within Senshi's head- im sure of this because there's a permanent scowl of pain on his masters brow. 

Giggling slightly, I looked up to Heiki. Returning eachothers stares once again but not for too long. Taking a step down from the stage we walked gracefully and proudly down the isle, we had now entered another chapter of many other yet to come. 


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