Chapter Eight

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My breathing was getting shallower by the second. I had messed up big with one of my stances and gave the opportunity for an ogre to get a hit on me and attempt to crush me but my sword was lucky enough on my side. 

I began to cry because there may be a few here who were forced into this, 'I am so sorry'. My body scorched up in flames; this may kill me but it doesn't matter, as long as the boys don't die protecting me. I screamed out in agony as a quick shock wave of fire was sent out an burnt all the live bodies around me to the ground... apart from one.

'Whoops... I missed one.' I chuckled as another assassin appeared before me and went straight for my heart with their dagger. An agonising burning sensation in my blood caused me to cry out. I forgot that I should disintegrate, the boys will only find a body of ash- thats alright, they wont know for sure and may think I ran of-

Bushi felt immense pain as his heart contracted tightly. 'No, no, no! Jidai! Please!' He took off running back to the field, leaving the others in shock and panic. They took off after him after the realisation kicked in. 

Bushi was the first to come upon my lifeless body and was also the first of the boys to wallow in tears of pain. 

'No! No!' he cried out, clutching onto me tightly.

'Jidai?' Senshi asked shocked to see me unmoving with a dagger pieced into my chest. 

'Everything is burnt...' Heiki breathes out, 'It looks like a battle field.'

'We shouldn't have left her alone, it wouldn't have turned out like this else.' Ite cries out. 

'Why? Why! Why me? I don't have any more family left! I just found her again!' Bushi sobs, clutching my head to his chest. 

'Senshi. Let me out.' Iseki commands from within his masters body. 'Its peculiar how a fire bender is still alive, maybe she is an exception because she controls more than one element.' The dragon was let out and approached me in Bushi's arms.

After examining my wounds thoroughly, he came to a conclusion. 'Okay. I need your help Heiki and Ite, hopefully I can get this to work'. 

Bushi lowered his sisters body to the ground and stood away to let Ite, Heiki and Iseki attempt  to bring me from the dead. 

Iseki begins to throw out orders to the other two; 'I'm going to close the wound with healing droplets after you drop a seed of life into it, Ite. Heiki, whilst this goes on I need you to send some moderate temperature flames through her- she needs to warm up.' 

They got to work, Bushi and Senshi behind them watching in worry and hope. 

At some point I woke up and I could feel their gazes watching me in anticipation but I was too exhausted to open my eyes and too parched to talk. 

'Why isn't it working?' Heiki cried out.

'No! Come on Jidai wake up!' Ite urged. 

'It isnt working?' Bushi questioned with a croaky voice. 

On other thoughts, I might stay like this for a while and just listen to what they have to say to dead me. 

'Is her will to live strong enough?' Senshi asked Iseki.

Iseki coughed a little, 'No'. He knew I was awake but played along anyways. 

It was silent for a few moments but finally Senshi spoke up. 'I've only been her bodyguard for a week and she's already gone. I already failed her. I failed the mission. I failed the entire kingdom, including my village.' He was beating himself up seriously hard. 

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