Chapter Six

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Swinging his arms in a calm motion, Senshi begins to throw water comets at Heiki. We are all aware that this is Senshi holding himself far back from his true power. Having yet to discover what element Heiki controlled we weren't surprised to see a duplicate comet of Senshi's but in a fire- resulting in both comets to collide but to then form a sizzling rock. 

I expected the fight to end faster as my subordinate formed dangerous twisters above Heiki's head, scarily it began approaching faster and faster but suddenly came to a halt. Looking closely there was a dome shaped force field around Heiki, causing the water twisters to be cancelled out. 

Many people would question why the fire is overriding the water; surely water puts out fire but not here. Water is exceptionally good at absorbing heat, only not eternal flames sort of heat- they can burn on for centuries and these eternal flames are what we fire benders have in our blood. The only downfall of being able to wield fire is that our bodies to disintegrate once our heart stops beating. 

'What the hell? A force field?' I whisper, earning a wink from Heiki.

Approaching Senshi; Heiki held his arms in the position for his dome of flames. Non surprisingly Senshi just stood there and accepted the flames that were burning him but I knew he wouldn't take it for long.

'Heiki! Stop! Get back!' I shout, 'Bushi and Ite! Come here now!'

They were just in time for me to form many thick walls of earth around us to act as shields, before there was a sudden wave of water and a beasts roar. As we were kept safe inside the walls around us, I said: 'Senshi is bonded with an ancient dragon, who hasn't been let out since the Battle of Neishi- sixteen years ago.'

'Wait... Really?' Ite questioned, excited yet afraid. 

'Yes, really. The beast may attack us as it is frustrated; so we have to give Senshi to calm it down' 

A while had passed and there was no noise. I was worried about Heiki but not enough to protect a stranger. So I peak my head out of one of the walls and realise Heiki is fine but on the floor, whilst Senshi is nowhere to be seen. 

'It's alright to come out but I don't know where Senshi-' I paused as I looked across the field and saw a scaled beast in-font of a complaining water wielder. 

A quiet Bushi spoke behind me, So its real, is it alive? Its eyes are closed.'

'Definitely alive but it may be asleep from how much energy it takes to come out when summoned' I comment. 

Heiki's head popped into the gap- leaving little space between us. His eyes, they have orange specks in them- so beautiful. I begin to take a step out but Bushi and Heiki oppose my movements.

'No, we will go check it's safe first' Bushi says looking at Heiki. They walk towards the dragon- leaving myself and Ite behind. I was expecting them to get as close as possible but they ran back when sixty meters away; the beast had woke up roaring. 

As they were running back I stood up laughing crazily, 'Jidai, dont go up to that thing!' Ite stressed. 

'I have to go welcome him back now! You can feel his magnificence all the way from over here' I giggled, walking straight past the shield of earth and the two scaredy cats running back. I got as close as an arm stretch away- 'Wow... hello.' I said in awe. 

'Hmm a pretty girl is talking to me, without any fear. How peculiar.' I jumped back, not expecting a reply. 

'Jidai, I don't know if he is comfortable with being that close to anyone right now' senshi spoke, a few steps away. 

'If this is the lady I can be close to, being kept inside for sixteen years doesnt sound so bad' the dragon laughs. 'Nice to meet you, my name is Iseki.'

'Iseki, what a nice name!' I complimented as I went and leaned on his chest. 

'Jidai! I warned you!' Senshi shouts.

'What are you doing, Jidai?' Ite calls out panicked. 

I wrapped my arms around Iseki's neck and smiled. 'He's so cute!' I looked back at the boys, who were now traumatised at my actions. I leaned on my toes to reach Iseki's ear and whispered a few words, causing him to lower his head and smile at my words. 

'Boys! I'll catch you later, we are going to have some fun!' I chuckled, I climbed up onto Iseki. 

'What?' they all questioned at the same time, too stunned to say anything else. 

'Hold on, my lady. I like flying fast, I haven't stretched these wings in years.' I moved my arms to clutch hard onto his neck, 'good, now off we go!'

We took flight and I could hear all of their protests below. It was basically all the same words like 'what are you doing?' and 'It's dangerous!'

'I wouldn't be surprised if they punish me in some way when we get back.'

'Me either' Iseki agreed. 

I looked around at the mountains, the sight was beyond extravagant. 

'If I'm being honest, you're the very first person to not be afraid on our first meeting. Senshi thought I would gobble him up when we met on the battlefield' the legendary dragon chuckles. 

'It is understandable, I think I'm not afraid because of my lack of care for danger' I reply looking up to the sky. 'Maybe it is best to head back so that we dont worry them to death.' 

Once we landed, each of them had some form of an angry face, causing Iseki and I to say: 'Whoops' in harmony. 

'I hope you two enjoyed yourselves..' Senshi narrows his eyes and I await the explosion of his disapproving words.

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