Chapter Ten

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I had been on the go for a couple days, making sure to leave no tracks. They have yet to catch up to me. It was lonely without Senshi complaining, Ite's sweet voice, Bushi's silent presence and Heiki's loving gaze. Although I felt alone, I didn't want to drag them all into this mission any further. 

"No one will get hurt this way" I sigh. 

A few miles behind me...

"How can she just disappear? We haven't been able to catch up for days, she's like a ghost."  Senshi grumbles annoyed, pushing his legs to go faster through the thick amount of trees.

"She has really out smarted us." Bushi chuckled but it wasn't a joyful one.

"Its my fault she up and left. If I didnt tell her how I felt and tried to understand her more, we wouldn't be in this situation." Heiki speaks up for the first time in hours. Everyone knows that he blames himself. 

"No point in getting down, we should hurry and find her!" Ite's hopeful voice keeps them all moving. 

"Iseki! Go scale the mountain, you have the advantage of flight so with your help we should find her faster... Heiki, you ride on his back!" Senshi commands. 

Two hours later...

I decided to rest up in a tree, my legs were tired from hiking for hours on end and I really needed a break. It's so much effort running away whilst being followed doing so. 

I had let myself sink into a daze, leaving me shocked when pulses of wind and the sound of wings came from above the tree I was occupying. 

"Found you!" Iseki's and Heiki's voice rang out in unison. The dragon calmed the force of his wings to hover above the tree. I didn't expect them to find me, let alone pass my consciousness of presences around me. 

Heiki glared at me from above, "What were you thinking? Are you a child? Why did you run away?".


"Because! Why? Why is it just because? Explain it to me!" He angrily shouts. I shrink back into the shadows of the trees, too afraid to face the wrath of him. 

"You wouldn't understand."

"Why else am I here right now? I want to understand!" his eyes had softened. 

"It would be best if I disappeared. You can all go back to the life you had before and if he really wants to, Bushi can take the crown."

I heard Iseki's loud sigh, "Jidai. That's not what we want. Our lives are more exciting with you in it, there's a reason why all of us are by your side. We all intend to stick by you, so if that means hunting you down after you try to run away.. then so be it." Iseki smiled slightly. "We all love you in our own way. Bushi is your family, Senshi, Ite and myself are your friends and Heiki... he's the man that knows you love him back but also that you're afraid of your own feelings."

I look down at the ground from my current place in the tree. I thought about scaling down and running again but they just said they would keep doing it as they all want me around. The overpowering feeling of shame crashed down on me. 

"Okay, I'll go back."

When we landed back at camp, I realised that accountants from the castle were sat at the fire. Senshi, Bushi and Ite looked up from the conversations they were having and noticed I was back. They both came running and tackled me to the floor for a really tight hug. Turns out Senshi is a huge softies despite his serious exterior. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to worry any of you. I was so absorbed in my own feelings to even think about what you guys may think of me!"  I cried out. 

"We are glad you're safe... but don't ever do that again" Ite said, putting emphasis on the word 'ever' and began balling his eyes out. Senshi laughed and let go of me, grabbing Ite by the arm and dragging him away. Bushi moves forward in their place and wraps his arms around me.

"It's good to have you back sister." Bushi smiles after planting a kiss om my forehead. 

I turned around to face Heiki. His handsome face was pointed downwards, he was at a loss for words whilst deep in thought. It appeared that he was no longer eating properly because of the constant search for me. I approached him and cupped his face, upon the touch of my hand he looked up. His eyes shined as he saw my face getting closer. 

"I love you" I whispered smiling before kissing him lightly. He was shocked but recovered by deepening the kiss. 

I had forgot about the boys but realised they were still there when they cried out with: "ew!", "get a room!" and so on. It put a smile on my face to be back with the people I loved. 

Coming to my senses that it wasn't only the boys watching my make out session, I turned towards the accountants. 

"It's nice seeing you all, but why exactly are you here?" I questioned sceptically. 

"We are here to take you back home." one of the six spoke out. "You are ready to become queen. You have recovered the last sacred treasure."

My face lit up once the Priest took down the hood covering his face, which disguised him as an accountant. "You have not only showed love for your country, family and friends but also love for a person whom you see as a partner in life. You have done well Jidai." He chuckles. 

"Is that it? There isn't a physical form of the fourth treasure?" Senshi says in disbelief after I look at him with questions swirling in my eyes. 

"I guess you could say that the physical form of it is her heart. You have completed your mission rather quickly but you can now return home." The Priest continued. 

I looked back to Heiki, he smiled a sad smile. Then I peered over at Ite who was still balling his eyes out, he really must have missed me. Senshi was patting Ite's head like a father; causing me to giggle a little. Finally I looked over to Bushi; I finally have my brother back and no longer feel so alone in this world.

Staring back at the accountants, I made a request: "I'll only return if you fulfil my request." I state as they all nod. "Give them all a permanent place to live in the castle. Unless they completely oppose the idea then I expect it to be done." I peered at each of the boys faces, shock was written on them but also touches of thankfulness. 

I can't wait for them to get settled in...

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