Chapter Seven

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Surprisingly my punishment wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be but you may not think so if you cant stand people constantly talking in your ear, Iseki didnt have much of a punishment either but that's probably because they're all still a little scared. 

After some time, we had settled in the field by making camp. I was relaxed gazing at the stars on a hill nearby, until Heiki came and sat by me. 

'They're beautiful as ever' he commented. 

'Yeah, I've really not seen a sky as clear as tonight. This is the first time I have really left home.' I breathed out a bit defeated. 

'Where do you come from?'

'The capital. The area is great but you cant see much of the sky.'

'Oh so you're a city girl.'

'Yeah. I guess you could say that' I smile. 'So does that make you a town boy?'

'Yeah . I guess you could say that.' he copies with a chuckle. His laugh is a deep and beautiful sound, joy radiates off of him. 

'Oh yeah, I apologise about Senshi... I didn't expect him to go all out on you. I guess it means that he had to result to ultimate power to try and take you down.' I apologise, if Senshi couldn't take him down within the summoning of Iseki- then he is obviously of tremendous value.

'Oh no its fine... does that mean I can tag along with you all?'

"It sure does'' I smile. I was sure smiling a lot but I felt like it would come to an end soon, you know what they say; 'the calm before the storm'. We walked back to the others. 

Ite was sat in the tent- attempting to swat all the bugs away with his hand. Bushi was just sat silently on the log we had dragged over- peering into the flames before him. Senshi was- well Senshi; stood silently watching the surrounding and Iseki was laid down a few meters from the fire pit. 

'Tomorrow morning. I need you all to go get supplies from the town, meanwhile ill pack up here. Once you get back we can carry on moving.' I order, standing in-front of the fire. 'Iseki, I'm sorry but we may have to put you back into hiding tomorrow, so that we can move without too much attention.'

'Sure.' Ite, Iseki and Bushi replied, whilst Heiki and Senshi nodded. 

We all headed off to bed for an early nights sleep. The area was quiet and the wind was blowing calmly but leaving a slight chill and I couldn't help but feel that we were being watched- I keep the feeling to myself, instead of worrying the others. I gradually fall asleep, whilst my mind is still rushing madly. 

I was the first awake, so I had the duty of waking the boys up. I ripped the tents sheets away to show a beautiful sunrise, letting bright light sink in- I hoped this would wake them up but they didnt even stir in the slightest. 

'Wake up! Rise and shine! It's sunrise!' I shouted.

Everyone groaned in annoyance; 'Why are you so loud?', 'Five more minutes!' and 'How can you be a morning person?'.

'Get up, or else!' None made a move to get up, 'Fine, I'll do it my own way.' Shifting my weight to feel lighter I clapped my hands together- causing the fire keeping us warm to go out and for their bedsheets to fly off. 

'Oh common! Jidai, we want a lay in!' Heiki grumbled. 

'Ten- nine- eight- seven-'. I began counting down, resulting in a look of horror to be written on their tired faces. 'Unless you all want to be naked, in the next six seconds you better be out of bed!'

They all were pushing and shoving to get up. 

'Good, now here's the money Senshi.  Take everyone to get the supplies we need for the next week. It would have been a lot easier if you didn't lose the horses when we I was kidnapped.' I breathe out in anger, 'and take Iseki with you- his presence may attract some unwanted attention.'

They set out on their shopping trip, looking like grumpy old men. 

While I was packing up our belongings, I sensed something in the trees. That something had been watching us since Heiki's and Senshi's battle last night. I approached the treeline looking for faces or anything suspicious but came upon nothing. Shrugging it off I turn around, only to come face to face with a masked assassin.

That mask- it looks like one of the ones there at the night my parents were murdered. I didn't have much time before the enemy made a move which cut my arm. 

'Well that hurt' I chuckled in slight pain, blood flowed from the wound. I grabbed hold of the persons head- with no mercy I disintegrated their entire being. 

Looking around me, I noticed I had more company than I thought. Hundreds of beast looking eyes were staring back at me, 'Well I'm screwed.' I chuckled. 

It's not me to just surrender, so I show my best devilish smile and welcome the three malicious cyclops running at me. I read in stories that you should never stab one of these in the eye- or do anything to fight against them for that fact but what are you supposed to do? Let them rip you to shreds? Nope, thats not me. 

I turn my palms up to the sky and form a cage like structure, bringing multiple boulders upon the beasts running towards me. Apparently if you crush them; its the only true way to get rid off them. 

Meanwhile, the boys were in the merchant town talking about me- the men from the day before were too scared to even look at them. 

'She has no sense of danger. What I mean is that she doesn't even have fear or a care in the world. She uses brute force to do and get what she wants..' Bushi explained, 'She was like that when we were younger. She has always been a tomboy and could kick any of our butts with a snap of her fingers. But I fear that something bad may happen if people find her and realise of what blood she is.' 

Heiki had been listening closely to Bushi's words, earning a little more information on me. He had gained an interest and wanted to know more but now he was left wondering; who is she?

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