Chapter Forty: ...And Confessions

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'We become cold to avoid getting hurt.'-unknown

"Do they deserve me at my best when they couldn't help me at my worst? No one was there. The world turned a blind eye to me. To us both. I have no reason whatsoever to smile at them! I owe them absolutely Nothing! My smile is too precious to be shared with this cruel world! No one cares! Sadly.. They don't deserve my Happy self. They deserved to be treated as trash! With resentment."

"Tell me, why a man like me after everything I've been through, the cruelty life has shown me at a very early stage in life, should be happy with the world"

Regret filled his face "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I meant what I said the other day. The way I treated you. I" He gulped "I was scared" He admitted as his lips quivered "I was scared you'll leave me too"

"They all do. Everyone. Every freaking one always leaves! All the people I've ever loved and cared for. My parents, twin, brother, lover. The woman who stood by us then, she left. She died too. Now, granny is dying. Who knows what will happen if I give you a chance too. Isn't that history repeating itself? Call me coward. Yes. But my poor heart couldn't endure it anymore. It has endured enough to last me a lifetime. I couldn't risk losing you too. I felt that was what was best".

"Maybe by using work as an excuse I would deal with my grief, And escape reality. Wouldn't let you In."

"I-I God-" He ran a hand through his hair.

"The other day Hussein came over you acted weird when Sofia called the kids' name?"

He sighed "Yeah. I was stunned. What made me stunned was their names. Farida.. Farhan."

"It made me remember my childhood too. My twin sis name was Farida too.. Even the initials.. 'F'. I was exactly like Farhan, So full of mischief. Seeing them both reminded me so much of my childhood. It was like history was repeating itself. So I couldn't help but feel lost and dumbfounded"

She has one last question. She needed to clear her conscience "Whats your Connection with Hussein?"

He looked enraged and took a deep breath "I had a crush then"

"She was so pretty and we got along really well. Initially, it was awkward, but later on we grew really close. I loved her" She felt a pang in her chest.

He quickly took her hand in his "Loved. I loved her. It was in the past." She smiled slightly and nodded for him to continue "So, when the incident happened, we lost contact and we didn't see each other. They all thought I was dead"

Hanan looked puzzled "Hey! Whats wrong?" He asked concerned.

"What's her name?"

"Malak" her heart sting maybe from the fact that he still remembers her and could still say her name without a blink. She gasped audibly

"Oh God!!"

Faaiz was confused. "You are acting weird"

"You attended the same high school with Hussein?"

He clenched his fist "Yes"

She yanked at her hair and put the dots together. Everything fits to place now and she shut her eyes tightly.
She got her phone and hurriedly dialed a number. And Faaiz looked on trying to figure out what was wrong.

The person picked on the first ring "Hey!"

And she went straight to the point "The guy was Faaiz right? The person you were referring to. You couldn't tell me that day. He was the one right?"

She heard a deep sigh on the other end and he finally attested "Yeah. He is"

She gasped as she ended the call and she held the bedframe for support "Oh my!"

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