candy hearts

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drip ... drip.... drip...

The sound of the broken faucet in my bathroom is starting to get to me. Its been broken since new years day and so now for the past 44 days I have been stuck listening to that stupid dripping sound whenever I forget to close the bathroom door. My irritability towards my inability to fix random household appliances may have increased due to the fact it is one of the worst holidays on the calendar. Valentines day. It's just another stupid excuse to sell candy and flowers to a love struck couple so they can have sex later. Pathetic. Not to mention it would be the first Valentines day I get to spend alone in 3 years.

However, just because I have a strong disliking for the made up holiday doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the occasional devil fruit. Candy Hearts.

In all honesty, they're absolutely terrible. They don't even taste good. And they are chalky. Who even likes that? And the cherry on top of the terrible cake is that they say stupid little "love" notes. They make me sick. But they also really don't. For whatever reason, when it's midnight and I realize I have no milk for the cereal that sounded really good is bad and I go to the store, I buy a pack of them. Even worse, when I get home, even the next day, when I am completely sober, I eat them.

And that is exactly what I am doing. Popping them into my mouth as if they were... well... candy. Which I suppose they are.

"Be mine. Thats stupid" I say as I pop another one into my mouth. "Text me. Grow a pair and ask me in person." pop. "Hello. What?" I furrowed my eyebrows at that one. "What kind of heart says that?" pop. "You should go outside. Okay seriously? Where did I buy these? These messages are terrible." pop.

I picked up another one, which had the weirdest one yet, "She's waiting for you."

"What?" I muttered. I set it down on my desk and peaked out the curtains of my bedroom window.

Sure enough, someone was standing out there. But it wasn't just anyone. It was my ex who happens to break up with me a month prior to this: Perrie Edwards. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her. She's the love of my life, and I need her, but she did leave me. 

She was standing on my front lawn with a sign that said "I'm Sorry.", a bunch of balloons, and an absolutely massive teddy bear. When she saw me looking at her, she smiled sheepishly and waved.

I looked at her in disbelief as I slowly backed away from my window. As soon as I dropped the curtain, I looked down at my desk where I had placed down the candy heart that said she was outside, but upon closer inspection, it now said "Kiss me." Odd.

I sighed one last time before tugging on a pair of shoes and a jacket to go meet her outside, pushing the odd candy hearts to the back of my mind.


Hello! This is my first time publishing something, and I originally wrote this without specifying people, but I decided to publish it as a fanfic cause why not? 



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