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It was really fucking cold. Like, really fucking cold. That's all that Jade could think about as she hurried down the street as fast as she could without slipping on the fresh layer of snow. Her nose was starting to turn red from the walk from her office building to the cafe right around the corner, and Jade was really not having it. After a long day at work, all she needed was to be home, however thanks to the new snow, the walk back to her apartment would be extremely painful and cold, and Jade was not about to do that without a cup of coffee to make it at least a little more bearable.

A bell rang as Jade opened the door to the coffee shop. Jade had actually for some reason never been to this particular cafe, despite its location being so close to her office.

Taking in the cozy environment, Jade sighed in relief. She was out of the cold and was starting to regain feeling in her body while taking in the pleasant smell of coffee and pastries. Jade pulled the hood of her jacket down to reveal her dark brown, thick hair.

Approaching the register, Jade noticed two things. One: their menu was absolutely massive and Jade was instantly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of words that Jade barely understood. And two: the most beautiful girl Jade had ever laid eyes on was standing in front of her, ready to take her order.

"Hi!", the girl greeted her, "Welcome to The Corner, what can I get you?". Jade suddenly lost all interest in any sort of warm drink. And her ability to speak. Simultaneously.

"Uhhh.... Hi." Jade said, or at least attempted to say. It came out more as a grumble and mutter rather than the english language.

"What can I get you?" the pretty girl repeated with a warm smile.

'Come on Jade! You can't just stare at her forever!' Jade thought to herself, 'Grow some and talk to her like a normal person! Or order a damn drink... whichever comes first.'

Your number would have been a great response.

Or a hot coffee with double cream and two shots of espresso. That would have been a fantastic response. Not what came out of Jade's mouth. That was a horrible response.

"You. In bed. That's what I want."


That's what Jade said.

To a complete stranger.

A beautiful stranger.

Nice going.

Luckily, the beautiful stranger giggled. And kind of smiled.

"I'm gonna ignore that and pretend that's the sort of thing you say after a long day at work." the girl giggled, "I'll assume you need something strong, considering your state of mind."

This time, Jade was able to suppress the urge to say that she seems rather strong and thus the idea of the bed should still be on the table.

"Yeah, I work down the street," Jade said, surprisingly composed. It was only then that Jade had the brains to look at the girls name tag.


Now that's a pretty name.

"I know," Perrie said, "I see you walk by every day."

"Under different circumstances, I would consider that a really creepy sentence, however I think what I opened the conversation with trumps that statement." Perrie giggled.

And Jade thinks she just found her new favorite sound.


Jade ended up spending an extra 2 hours in that coffee shop.

Despite the rather grand opening of a conversation, Jade and Perrie clicked rather well. The weather discouraged large influxes of customers, so Perrie was essentially free to sit and talk with Jade until the cafe closed. In fact, only the sound of their conversation could be heard throughout the establishment.

"Wait wait wait," Perrie said through fits of laughter, "What do you mean your first boyfriend put up newspapers in his car windows to try and get you to lose your virginity in the parking lot of a Tesco?"

"I mean exactly that." Jade said smiling, "That's exactly what happened, and I thought it was sweet at the time but looking back on it, it was kind of desperate."

The two were enjoying each other's company so well that they didn't exactly notice the time until Perrie got a call.

"Oh my god, its my roommate, I just realized it's way after I was supposed to close." Perrie sprang up from her seat, frantically wiping down the counters, pulling down the blinds and clocking out in record time.

Jade followed her out of the store as Perrie shut off the lights and locked up. Stepping back into the cold reminded Jade of the walk back home.

Once Perrie put the keys back into her pocket, she turned to Jade.

"So, where are parked?" she asked.

"Oh, um, I walk home, so I'll just be going that way," Jade pointed to her right and leaned a bit into the direction when Perrie grabbed her arm.

"Jade, it's pitch black, I'm not going to let you walk home right now, I'm giving you a ride home, come on."

Perrie kept a firm grip on Jade's arm so she couldn't refuse her offer.


They kept a comfortable silence throughout the ride aside from the occasional direction from Jade.

Five minutes later they were parked outside of Jade's apartment complex, neither one wanting to start their goodbyes.

"Well," Jade started, "Thank you for the ride, and the coffee. And the best conversation I've had in a long time." Perrie smiled and leaned in a bit.

"Thanks Jade," Perrie brought her lips to Jade's cheek, "I'll see you the next time you need your coffee fix."

Jade smiled. "Count on it".

Jade would definitely be making more stops at the cafe on her way home.

AN: Okay lmao sorry its been so long I was not doing the best mentally and for some reason I just felt like writing today so heres this 


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