damn that hurt II

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Perrie had to spend the next two days in the hospital to ensure everything with her knee would be okay before sending her home. Thankfully, Perrie hurt herself on a Friday night so I was able to stay with her the whole time. She had a couple other visitors, her brother, my mum, Jesy and Leigh Anne, and a notable lack of her parents. Perrie tried to reassure me multiple times that my company was enough and her parents could fuck off but I could tell it still hurt. It would hurt anyone.

The day Perrie was discharged from the hospital, my mum and I furiously got the guest bedroom ready for Perrie to make her as comfortable as possible given her current situation. She had to stay mostly in bed for the next 3 days, only walking around on crutches for short bursts of time. Considering I would still have to go to school and Mum has work, she would be home alone for most of the day so we hooked up my dad's old mini fridge and made sure she was able to open it with ease from the bed. The only problem was that the only personal items she had left (or I had taken) at my house before. She could last maybe a couple of days before she ran out of clean clothes, so in order to reduce the amount of sharing (not that I minded), I would eventually have to go to Perrie's and get some of her stuff for her.


On Monday I showed up to school and the only thing anyone would ask me about was if Perrie was okay.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they care about Perrie, it's just that most of these people wouldn't give me the time of day normally. Suddenly their star football player was injured and they needed to know if she would be able to play in the next game or not.

By the end of the day, I was completely over it. School was a drag, the people only cared if Perrie could play in the next game, and I just wanted to go home to check on Perrie. But I couldn't do that just yet, I had to make a stop.


Pulling up in front of Perrie's parents house, my heart was pounding. The one time I came over, they learned we were dating and threw me out. Quite literally. And it hurt.

I sat in my car debating what I should do. I could either knock on the door and talk to her parents like a civilized human, or I could climb the tree in Perrie's backyard and try to get in through her bedroom window. I never claimed myself to be a civilized human when it came to people who hate my guts, so I went with the latter option. I pulled an empty backpack from the backseat of my car and quickly but quietly made my way into the Edwards backyard.

I couldn't tell if anyone was home, so I kept myself low to the ground until I got to the tree, carefully watching the windows for any sign of movement. I climbed the tree relatively quickly, as I had done so many times and reached Perrie's window. I did a silent prayer that they left the window unlocked and gave myself a silent high five when the window slid open.

I quietly jumped inside and crept to the door of her room. As silently as possible, I closed the door and took a breath. It didn't sound like anyone was home, so I got to work. Still being cautious, I grabbed as much as I could and stuffed it all into the backpack I found. Deciding that making another trip here wouldn't be a good idea, I grabbed a spare backpack Perrie left in her closet and continued grabbing most of her clothes and personal items until that was full as well.

I was checking my work when I heard the door slam shut and yelling from downstairs.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I grabbed the two bags and made my escape as quickly as I could, climbing down the tree in record time. As I ran across the street back to my car, I felt eyes on me but I didn't dare look back.


"Mum! Pez! I'm home!" I yelled, walking through the front door. I put my keys in the dish by the door and made a beeline to see Perrie. 

Her eyes instantly lit up when she saw me enter her new room.

"Hi baby, how was school" she asked while I put down her newly acquired items on the ground and joined her on the bed.

"Uneventful." I said, "a lot of people asked me about you but that's about it" I put my head on her chest and swung my arm around her waist, getting comfortable, "and I missed you."

She kissed the top of my head. "I missed you too J. Why'd you bring home like 3 backpacks?" I really didn't want this question so soon because I knew she would get upset but it would come up sooner or later.

"I um, I grabbed some of your stuff from your room."


"I snuck in and grabbed some of your stuff from your room. So you can be as comfortable as possible."

"Baby I appreciate that really, but please don't go around my parents. God knows what they would do if they knew you snuck in. Or caught you. Just stay away from them. Please?" She was begging me.

I sat up and put my forehead against hers. "I will baby." Her face broke out in a smile and kissed me. Before our make out session could get any more heated, I broke it off and resumed our original position with my head on her chest and turned my attention to the tv she had on.

"What are you watching babe"

"A quiet place."

"Is it scary?"

"I'll protect you, don't worry"


I was drifting off to sleep in the middle of the third movie Perrie and I were watching when she started shaking me.

"Babe there's someone at the door" I groaned and reluctantly got up to see what the unexpected visitor wanted.

When I opened the door, I was met by a sight that I never expected. Perrie's mother was standing in front of me accompanied by two police officers.

"Um hi Mrs Edwards, how can I uh help you?" I nervously asked.

"That's her officers, see the one in the picture I took. The one who broke into my house earlier today." The devil herself replied.

"Miss can you step out of the house, you're going to need to come with us back to the station for questioning."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Miss please step out of the house, we need to take you down to the station with us" the officers started to grab my arms to handcuff me but I was still floored. Perrie's mother wouldn't seriously call the cops on me, would she?

An: I could do a part 3? Maybe? Idk I've been in a shelter in place for the past couple of days but I also wanna update my other book (which you should check out if you haven't already) so who knows.

Stay safe everyone, wash your hands and watch jade and Perrie's tik toks because it's what we all need to feel a little better

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