life is funny like that, isn't it?

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Part 2 of parties are funny like that, aren't they?

I woke up with an absolutely pounding headache. The kind of headache where you wake up and you instantly know that you exceeded your alcohol limit the night before.

I don't exactly remember that night. But what I do remember is waking up in bed next to Jade.

She was still sleeping peacefully, but that isn't the first thing that I noticed. Relatively quickly after opening my eyes, I took note that we were both naked. Not good. Not good at all.

Or was it? I mean, we did say we would start over, pretending like we had just met last night.

Also relatively quickly after I opened my eyes, I noticed we were at my parents house, in my childhood bedroom. That means that I can't leave. Well, I mean I could, but that would just be a little weird. My mom could be downstairs, see me leave, and then see Jade stumble out of my room without me.

Before I could fully plan my escape however, Jade started to stir next to me. I quickly closed my eyes, pretending I was still asleep.

With my eyes still closed, I could feel her stretching her arms above her head, just as I remember her doing every time she woke up.

I half expected her to get up and leave, but she didn't. Instead, she rolled over and pulled me closer to her. She buried her head into my neck, her breath tickling me, until it slowed to a steady pace. She had fallen back asleep.

I laid there for what felt like forever, but I'm not going to lie. I did miss waking up to Jade, and having her pressed against me while she slept was a big reminder of that fact.

As I was finally drifting off back to sleep, my door creaked open, and my mom poked her head in. I heard her quiet gasp, and I decided now was as good as ever to subtly wake Jade by lifting my head to groggily look at my mom. Jade half moaned at my sudden movement and rolled onto her back to rub her eyes. My mother quickly closed the door, leaving Jade and I alone once again.

Jade groaned again and sat up, taking in her surroundings. She rubbed her eyes and stretched, taking her first good look around.

As soon as she figured out where she was, her head slowly turned to look down at me.

"Oh." she said, looking at me awkwardly, "Uh.. hi?"

"Uh hi? That's the only thing you have to say to me?"

"I mean, do you really want me to say anything more?" she asked as she found a shirt to put on. I didn't feel like telling her she put on one of mine, I'm sure she knew as it was a bit too big for her. It was cute.

"Well," I started, "I mean, we clearly had a um... late night last night." I said.

"Really? I didn't notice," She said, motioning at my still shirtless top half that was exposed from her sitting up and shifting the blankets around.

"Okay I didn't ask for your sarcasm," I muttered, shuffling around to find a shirt on the ground, pulling it on as quickly as possible. Not that it really mattered, we dated for almost 2 years and had sex plenty of times (and obviously last night), and she has seen me naked before and vice versa. "And I was actually bringing that up because I was going to ask if you remember much about it." I said, sitting up. Big mistake. My head instantly started pounding even harder than before and I felt a wave of nausea overcame me. I leapt up and dashed for the bathroom.

I instantly made my way to the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach as soon as I opened the lid, which is what I was expecting. But what I wasn't expecting was for Jade to follow me into the bathroom and hold up my hair.

Once I calmed down, I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet to finally turn and look at her.

"You didn't have to follow me here, I know you don't like it when people throw up." I said. She looked at me blankly for a minute before responding.

"I know. I just care about you." 


Heyyyy. so, its been a while... Sorry, Ive had a lot going on, including a breakup so writing about a relationship wasnt on the forefront of my priorities. Anyway, thanks so much for the support while I was gone, the book was #27 or something on the #Jerrie and that blows my mind. Thank you guys again!

(Also I have no idea if this is good or not, I started this like a month ago and had so many ideas for it so by the time I got around to finishing it, I forgot where I wanted to go with it but thats okay, at least there is an update)



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