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Perrie pulled Jade into the empty arena, stopping once they reached the middle of the stage.

"Perrie, why are you shaking? Are you cold?"

"No no, nothing like that" Perrie replied, glancing around nervously, getting a thumbs up from Jesy backstage. "I just had something to ask you and I thought I would do it here on stage, even though there's no one in the audience." Perrie took a deep breath and took Jade's hands in hers. "Jade, you're my everything. Since the day I laid eyes on you, I knew there was something special about you. Then I got to know you, and suddenly everything made sense in the world. You are the light of my life, my love. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I can only pray that you feel the same. Though I'm fairly certain of your response, Jade, do you want to get married at Disney World?"

The whole time Perrie was speaking, Jade had tears streaming down her face, but the blonde caught her off guard with how she ended her speech.

"Babe, did you mix up the order of your questions?" Jade asked with a small smile on her lips. Perrie's face instantly turned a ghostly shade of white.

"Fuck. Sorry," the blonde got down on one knee and pulled a small box from her jacket pocket, "Jade Thirlwall, will you make me the happiest person alive and agree to marry my stupid face?" Jade's tears continued to stream down her face as she nodded her head.

"Yes Perrie, of course. I would be stupid to say no." Perrie smiled up at her, pushing the ring onto Jade's finger. The brunette pulled Perrie up to face her and kissed her, putting as much passion as she could into the kiss.

"I love you," they said at the exact same time. The two broke into a fit of laughter, smiles never leaving their faces.

"So about my first question," Perrie said once they calmed down, "How do you feel about getting married at Disney World?"

"Is that even a question you have to ask?"


1 year, 3 months, 4 days, 3 hours, and 8 minutes later

2 days before the wedding

"I can't believe we're actually here," Jade murmured, looking out the window of the suite at the Grand Floridian hotel at Disney World.

"I know," Perrie whispered, wrapping her arms around Jade's waist from behind and resting her chin on her fiance's shoulder.

The pair had spent the last year meticulously planning their special day because they wanted to make it absolutely perfect. This required multiple trips down to Florida for various wedding planning activities. This included viewing all of the possible venues for where their actual ceremony would take place and where the reception would be held, taste testing every possible cake flavor and icing combo, and Perrie's personal favorite: sampling every possible entre they could serve for the reception. The two of them had never been upset with the need to visit Florida. Not only did they want their day to be perfect, but it just wasn't in Jade or Perrie's blood to turn down a trip to Disney.

Jade and Perrie had been in Florida for a grand total of three hours, and to say the least: they were exhausted. They wanted to get there a little earlier than everyone else so they could have some time to themselves before the craziness of the festivities set in with their family and friends really kicked off.

"So, Mrs Edwards," Perrie said, "What would you like to do on our one day off before our families crowd us and we inevitably are never alone?" Jade giggled, putting her hands on top of her soon to be wife's.

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