are you okay?

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"Shit shit shit shit..." Mumbled Perrie as she rushed into her shared apartment with Jade. "Holy shit."

Jade glanced up from her place on the sofa as Perrie, visibly shaken, dashed into the bathroom without closing the front door.

"Um...," Jade started, not really knowing what was going on, "Hello to you too?". Jade stood up from the couch to shut the door and followed her girlfriend to the bathroom.

"Shit shit shit..." Perrie muttered, while breathing really hard, looking down into the toilet as if she was about to throw up. Upon noticing this, Jade instantly lept into action, holding her girlfriends hair up and rubbing her back in hopes to help her feel just a little bit better.

"Babe whats wrong," Jade asked, as she was still very confused. One minute she was watching a random episode of Friends on the couch, eating a bag of family sized potato chips when Perrie stormed in.

"I feel awful" Perrie muttered, head still hanging over the toilet.

Jade furrowed her eyebrows. Perrie was fine last night. Before Jade could ask anymore questions, Perrie emptied the entire contents of her stomach into the toilet with a terrible noise. Jade continued to rub her back through the entire process, wanting nothing more than to be able to take away all of Perrie's pain.

When she was done, Perrie sat back, breathing deeply with her eyes closed. Jade stared at her face for a second before standing up to damp a washcloth with cold water to cool down Perrie's face, in hopes to make her feel a little better.

Jade sat back down next to her girlfriend on the floor and placed her hand on her forehead to see if she was running a fever, and to Jade's suspicion, she was.

"Babe, your forehead is really warm, what happend at work? Did you just start feeling bad?" Jade asked as she started cooling off Perrie's face with the damp washcloth.

"I don't know," she muttered with her eyes closed, "I just started not feeling good after lunch and then on my drive home I started to feel nauseous so I ran in here."

A silence fell on the couple as Jade finished cooling off Perrie's face. Once Perrie sensed that Jade was done, she opened her eyes and smiled at her.

"Thanks babe." She said, so quiet it was almost a whisper.

Jade, for the first time since the blonde rushed into the appartement, had a good look at Perrie's face. She was pale, had bags under her eyes, and was speaking extremely softly. She was definitely sick. And Jade was definitely worried.

"Baby why don't you go lay down, okay?" Jade said, "I'll make you some soup so you can have food in you and then we can watch a movie or something, yeah?" Perrie nodded weakly, standing up and hobbling over to their bedroom with the help of Jade. Once Jade made sure Perrie was changed into comfortable clothes, laying on their bed, and watching tv,she made her way downstairs to find something for Perrie to eat.


"Jade you can't be serious."

"No really, think about it," Jade said, in between laughs, "Lobster hands would be so much better than a snake tongue."

"But literally everyone would know you had lobster hands." Perrie said, giving Jade a look of confusion mixed with love.

The 2 were sat upon their bed, eating the dinner that Jade had prepared for them, with the tv going in the background, but their main focus was on this incredibly important question.

Would you rather have lobster hands for claws or a snake for a tongue.

"No seriously, imagine the shit you could grab with them! Or everything you could crush with them!" Jade said through her laughter, "Also, who would kiss you if you had a snake in your mouth? That would be absolutely terrifying."

"I'd still kiss you if you had a snake tongue." Perrie said.

"Oh really?" Jade laughed, "Thats nice cause I wouldnt kiss you if you had a snake tongue." Perrie looked a little hurt.

"What? Why not?" she asked.

"Easy, snakes are terrifying, I don't want one that close to me, no matter how much I love you."


It was 3am and Perrie couldn't sleep. Jade was cuddled up to her side, their legs tangled, and had fallen asleep hours before. Jade had watched about a half of a movie before her eyes got droopy and she fell asleep against the love of her life. Perrie, on the other hand, stayed up and watched the rest of the movie. Followed by another 2 movies.

As Perrie laid there, unable to sleep, she watched Jade in her peaceful state. She looked like an angel, and Perrie was so incredibly thankful that she could call Jade her girlfriend. She kissed the top of Jades head, finally feeling sleepy, and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, knowing that as long as she had Jade by her side, she would always be okay. 


sorry its a little shit, I've been going through a rough time recently and I haven't had the motivation to write that much. This one shot is kinda all over the place, but hey, at least its something.

Also some of you have been asking for part 2s of certain one shots, and don't worry, I hear you! the only thing is that I'm not quite sure what to continue with for some of them, so if you have requests for anything (this can include plot for part twos), just let me know!



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