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 Jade was depressed.

She knew it in the back of her head, but she refused help from anyone. Any time anyone asked her if she's okay, her instant response would be a not so convincing yes, but would most of the time shake the person off of her depression tail. All except one person.

She knew Perrie was aware she was lying. After all, Perrie has always been the one person who seems to know Jade better than Jade knows herself. And while Perrie stopped outwardly asking Jade if she was alright, that didn't stop her from trying to help in other ways. Jade caught on to tiny things Perrie would do for her. From something as simple as bringing her tea in the mornings Jade couldn't find the energy to get out of bed, to planning intricate dates to make sure that the brunette felt loved, Jade could tell what she was doing. Not that she minded in the slightest.

So it was only natural when Perrie realized Jade had spent nearly half of the day curled up and half asleep in bed, she started planning. Jade could subconsciously hear someone (who she presumed was her girlfriend) moving around the room. Jade didn't really have the energy to check, so she just rolled over and went back to sleep almost immediately.

The blonde let her girlfriend sleep for twenty or so minuets while she made a couple of phone calls and packed a bag, but eventually found herself gently shaking Jade's shoulder around 3 pm.

"Jade, baby, get up," Perrie said. Jade groaned and pulled the blanket over her head, trying to ignore her girlfriend.

"I'm fine, I'll get up in a bit," She groaned. Perrie gently pulled back the blankets so she could see Jade's scrunched up face.

"J'adore it's almost 3 pm, come on, I want to take you somewhere," The blonde said, stroking Jade's hair.

"Not today Per, I don't feel good," Jade muttered, burring her face into her pillow. Perrie sighed.

"Jade you spent all day yesterday in bed and it's already mid afternoon, please baby, you're worrying me," Jade let out a breath and slowly sat up, rubbing at her eyes. Perrie smiled and gave Jade a peck on the cheek. She got up to find Jade an outfit, knowing if she let her do it on her own the brunette would take far longer than normal in an attempt to get Perrie to change her mind. Perrie threw Jade a hoodie and jeans onto the bed, telling her to get changed before leaving their room with a bit more bounce in her step, happy she was able to get Jade out of bed today. Her plans didn't always work but when they did she could barely stop smiling.

Jade appeared in the living room 10 minuets later wearing what Perrie had picked out for her while brushing her hair out with her fingers. Perrie pretended to not see the large bags under her eyes, disguising the pair of sunglasses she handed her as protection from any paparazzi they might encounter. Jade slid the sunglasses onto her face with a small smile, pecking the blonde on the cheek as they made their way out the door.

Perrie kept an eye on Jade while she was driving and somehow, the small brunette was able to curl into a ball in the passenger seat and fall asleep again despite being in and out of sleep for the past two days. She pursed her lips and continued driving.

Perrie would be lying if she said she wasn't worried about Jade. Who wouldn't be? All Perrie ever wants is for Jade to be happy, and it kills her when she so clearly isn't. She noticed that Jade had slowly been losing interest in things that she used to find great joy in. It started with her sudoku. Perrie noticed that the last book she had gotten Jade had a grand total of one puzzle complete, which was odd because she had gotten it for Jade over a month before that and Jade would have been nearly finished with it by then. Next it was reading. Perrie noticed that Jade stopped curling up on the couch with a book on their free days and that Jade stopped leaving her current read around their house. Perrie noticed other small things Jade stopped showing interest in, but the worst one (by far) was when Jade's eyes lost their sparkle when they were in the studio. Jade has been passionate about music her entire life, so when she noticed Jade's general lack of interest in their song writing and recording sessions, she made sure to keep an even closer eye on her girlfriend. She's been too nervous to ask Jade to get some help, scared she'll take it the wrong way, so Perrie attempts to cheer Jade up as best she can, letting her mind take a break from itself. Which leads her to today, driving her the whole five hours from London to their hometown so they could stay for the weekend.

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