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treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.

"riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted"

"Perrie, calm down, I'm sure Jade's just sick,"

"No no, you don't understand," Perrie said, pacing back and forth between her locker and Leigh-Anne's, "Jade was fine last night, and she would have texted me if she wasn't feeling well, but the last text conversation we had, she didn't reply."

"What time was that?" Leigh asked, seemingly unbothered by her best friend's state, continuing to dig for the math homework she thought she left in her locker the day before.

"Like 11:40 last night I texted her goodnight and she didn't respond, but I just thought it was because she fell asleep," Leigh smirked and paused her search.

"What, you tire her out last night or something?" Perrie smacked her arm.

"Shut up, we went to dinner and walked around the mall, that's it," Perrie said, "Last time I saw her was when she dropped me off at home." Leigh-Anne shrugged and looked at her best friend.

"Perrie, I'm sure you're just over reacting. Maybe Jade got food poisoning and hasn't had the energy to get up and respond to you." The blonde shook her head sighed.

"We ordered the same food last night, if it was food poisoning, I would be sick too,"

"Maybe she was gradually getting sick all weekend and it just hit her this morning," Perrie stopped her pacing back and forth to glance around and make sure no one was particularly paying attention to the two of them.

"Listen, you cant tell any one this okay, but Jade doesn't have the best home life,"


"Yeah 'oh', that's why I'm freaking out. Jade never skips school, she loves it too much." Perrie said, bringing her fingers to her lips and nervously biting at her nails, a habit she thought she kicked three years ago. Apparently not when Jade's safety is concerned.

"Isn't that her sister over there?" Leigh points behind me. Perrie quickly swivels around to see a tiny girl, who constantly baffles her when she sees her. Jordyn, Jade's younger sister is a spitting image of Jade, just shorter and with 20/20 vision. Sometimes it scares Perrie.

"Hey Jordyn!" I yell, affectively getting the younger girl's attention. I wave her over, but she hesitates before deciding to come over to Leigh and I.

"Hey is Jade okay? She hasn't answered my texts and I haven't seen her today," Perrie asked tentatively. Jordyn quickly looking down and shaking her head.

"I'm not sure what happened Perrie, but whatever it was she really pissed off dad." she murmured, still staring down at her shoes, "dad has her phone, so that's probably why she's gone radio silent. I wouldn't try calling or texting either, it might make him more mad,"

"Jordyn, what happened to Jade," Perrie asked slowly, trying to get as much information out of the younger girl before she inevitably closed herself off from Perrie and left the conversation.

"I think dad locked her in the closet, I'm not sure though." Jordyn continued with a small sniffle, "I didn't see her this morning but I could hear her and dad last night."

"What did you hear?" Perrie kept pushing.

"I'll let Jade tell you that Perrie, that's not really my place," Jordyn said before quickly walking away from the two friends.

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