Season 1, Chapter 1 - New Moon Part 1

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*Caution* Every idea or statistics was inspired by the show "Teen Wolf". I'm going to try and recreate the world of supernatural creatures with a different story but with supernaturals regarding to the moon. I hope you enjoy this book and share to other readers you know!

The sun rose up from the earth and shined its rays upon a small town in Canada. Our world is going to become so much more when a sudden rush of supernatural creatures have found themselves living in a small town called Mythic Creek.

Something fast was racing towards the edge of a cliff being followed by a blur. Once it reached the cliff, it was then identified as someone with yellow eyes. He crawled up to the top of the creek and stood up tall as he looked over the small town of Mythic Creek. Someone arrived behind him panting, "What happened back there? Where's Sebastian?" The man asked as he grabbed the guy in front of him by the boulder. He turned around slowly, "I don't know," He responded. "That's great. You don't know what happened and... everyone's dead," The second man continued as he looked behind him into the darkness of the trees with a concerned expression on his face. The man behind him was terrified leaving his mouth open.

Beep beep beep beep! The alarm rang with time showing six o'clock blaring in a green font. "Ugh," A boy groaned as he rolled over and shut the alarm off then rolled back over. The door was then burst open by an older woman, "Come on Eli. You can't miss the first day of school," She said with a smile as she pulled the sheets off of him. "Alright," The boy with a comb over said with his eyes closed. "I'll make you some lunch. Don't forget your glasses," She said and left his room. "First day of school is completely overrated," Eli said as he picked himself up to put on a pair of clean clothes. He was wearing a standard collar shirt with a weird blue and yellow striped pattern. Then he slipped on a pair of khaki pants with some black shoes to finish it off. He sighed and walked into the bathroom to find his glasses laying on the bathroom counter under his pull up bar. "Perfect," Eli continued as he breathed on the glasses to fog them up and cleaned them off with his shirt to get them nice and clean. "Your lunch is ready!" The woman yelled once again. "I'm coming Nana!" Eli yelled and walked downstairs to find his grandma standing by a brown bag and his backpack. "You look... sharp," She smiles while holding out his stuff. "Thanks Nana. I'm off now... I'll catch you later," Eli said as he left the house.

A couple was walking on the opposite side of the street with his arm around her shoulder. They noticed Eli walked on the other side and decided to catch up to him. "What's going on Eli?" The guy asked wearing a black jacket and a gray shirt. "Nothing much. What's going on with you guys Theo?" Eli asked as he stopped and walked with them. "Well we're actually thinking of going out later. Wanna come with?" The girl asked. "To where?" Eli responded as they turned the corner. "We're going to watch a movie. But it's going to be after Lacrosse tryouts. You're going right?" Theo said with a smile as he leaned close to him. "I don't know man. Sports aren't my thing. Their yours remember," Eli said as they entered the school parking lot. "I'll get you to break by the end of the day. Also, are we getting closer to finishing the car yet?" Theo asked as they walked towards the small patch of grass wrapped around the school which lead towards the stairs. "Yeah. Wanna finish it up this Friday? All we need to do is finish the engine and it should be done," Eli finished as they walked up to the counter. "Count me in," Theo said as he smiled and kissed Valerie on the cheek.

"Names please," The School Secretary said. "Guess I'm first. I'm Eli Varick. Sophomore," Eli responded. "Ok... got your classes right here Eli. Looks like you're taking Junior classes. Good for you," She said quickly and nudged him out of the way. "I already know your name Theron. Can you just remind me of your last name please?" She asked happily. "Uhh. It's Javistha. Junior and recent lacrosse player. I liked to be called Theo though," Theo continued. "Got you right here. I won't forget it. And you hun?" The secretary continued as she gave Theo his schedule. "I'm Valerie Valentina. Junior," Valerie said. "Here's your schedule. Enjoy your first day," The secretary smiled and directed her attention towards an oncoming student. "Thanks and watch yourself," Valerie added as he glared her in the eyes. "So what do we got?" Theo asked as he maneuvered himself into the middle where everyone placed their schedules side by side. "Ok... I literally have only one class with you guys? And it has to be gym," Eli groaned. "Guess you'll be making new friends huh? Just make sure one of them is a girl," Theo chuckled as he pointed out four class he and Valerie shared. "Alright I have to go, English is calling me," Valerie said as she kissed Theo goodbye and walked down the three-hundreds hall. "And I have to get to U.S History. Good luck in Chemistry," Theo ended as he patted Eli on the back and walked towards the two-hundreds hall. Eli sighed and walked toward the one-hundreds hall.

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