Season 1, Chapter 15 - My Friends Part 2

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*The Afternoon Of The Full Moon*

"Is everyone ready?" Eli asked. Reneé was standing with her usual weapon on her back. A sniper with armor piercing rounds and a violet colored grip. "You know I'm ready," She said with a pistol in hand. Eli then looked to the group of wolves. "You don't even have to ask. We're ready to go when needed," Josh smiled a shelf up an assault rifle. Everyone behind them held up a small set of pistols and rifles. "Let's just go over this one more time. I've taken the liberty to suggest darts. Because, I know well I don't want anyone to die. You will use these on the soldier's. If anything dramatic happens and all hell breaks loose. You know how to knock them out, but please be gentle," Eli smiled. "We'll be heading towards Jenny's hideout where I know she'll be hiding. Since her husband died a couple years ago. She couldn't get into any of the vaults without any passcodes. Eli and I will try and sneak up on her. And that's where we knock her out and end this thing. We take the leader, we end this thing," Reneé announced. Everyone cheered by raising their weapons in the air with battle faces on.

"Before we head out. I'm going to announce something, so please listen up," Eli said as he stepped onto a chair. Everyone's attention was grabbed as they glanced over at him. "One month ago, I was bitten at random. My life was at its lowest point. I call it a curse because I believed that it brought me into a world where I would soon be hunted and killed. But being right here, right now with all of you, changes that fact. My name is Eli Varick, I am a werewolf. My one goal has changed from being better at everything to protecting everyone around me. This is the only day to show your true colors. Hunters, Liars, Killers, and Kids who don't know how to handle their anger. This is the day to chant your name and show who you really are. If this is my last day with you all, I'm glad it's with all of you! Now let's go get our friends back!" Eli yelled with a big smile on his face and raised his fist into the air. Everyone followed the gesture as a sign that everyone sticks together and no one gets left behind.

*Jenny's Hidden Vault*

"Listen up soldiers! Today you will face the one thing you've been trained for. Werewolves will be coming here to take back their own. But we are going to stop them. Some of you may lose your lives but I trust that all of you knew that already. We must protect the world from the truth or we'll be taken over without even knowing it. The time to end this is now! Are you with me?" Jenny yelled. All the soldiers before her yelled and nodded while waving their guns in the air. "That's what I'm talking about. It's almost time for the moon to come out. They should be arriving soon," Jenny said to herself. Kelsi, Elijah, and the unknown werewolf were huddled in the corner. They were each injected by a dart of wolfsbane to keep them out for a good while.

"You guys need to stay here. Thanks for your help, but I think we can handle it from here," Eli said as he looked at Theo, Aaron, Valerie, and Kaysee. "Good luck," Kaysee said. "I get captain right?" Aaron smiled. "Watch yourself," Theo stated. "I always do," Eli said as they all exited the house and got in their cars. Three cars were heading off at full speed towards the outskirts of Mythic Creek. Eli, Reneé, and Josh in Eli's car leading the others. Cody, Mikaela, and Charlie were in their own truck following closely behind. Nick, Roy, and Russell were at the end in a small SUV.

"How much more?" Eli said as he accelerated over dirt hills and through a large forest trail. "Not much further. We should be getting to the stop point soon. The moon will be out once we're done getting through," Reneé announced as they reached a large metal bridge. "This should be good here," Reneé stated. Once they reached the start of the bridge. Eli stopped and gestured for everyone to follow. "Now we have to be quiet. Let's go," Eli said as they all crossed the bridge safely and found themselves walked towards a rather large hill with trees on top. Eli quickly poked his head up to find the army waiting behind riot shields. "It looks like they're going to sweep the area. We need to attack right now," Eli suggested. Everyone nodded and crouch walked towards the top of the hill. "On three. One... two... three!" Eli announced. Everyone then poked their heads out and started shooting. Bullets were flying through the air and passed right by their heads. A couple soldiers went down and were out for the count but it was too much fire power for them to continue. "Fall back!" Eli yelled.

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