Season 1, Chapter 3 - The Goal

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"Where are you going to take her?" Theo asked as they walked down the sidewalk. "Yeah, loverboy," Valerie mocked with a smile. "I have no idea. I said dinner, do I take her to dinner or do I do something else?" Eli panicked. "Look. You kicked some ass trying to protect her. You don't need help anymore. Just believe in yourself," Theo added as they turned the corner and walked towards the gym. "You're right. I just need to calm down," Eli said as he took in deep breathes. "Speaking of last night. What happened to you?" Valerie asked. "I don't know. After I was done lecturing you guys, sorry by the way. I walked out to the parking lot and then some disgusting smell hit me like a truck. I couldn't get away from it. While walking away, I heard someone calling out for help. It was Kelsee fighting off the thieves. But the weird thing was that when they tried to attack me with their knives. The world felt like it was in slow motion, and it was like I was the Flash or something. I was even able to punch them without being struck once but it wasn't just that. The power I felt was amazing," Eli smiled as he looked at his hands. They all walked into the gym to find the coach talking to some of the lacrosse players.

"Hmm... Interesting. Sounds like you went through a physical change and a mental change yesterday," Valerie said as they took a seat by the end of the bleachers and laid their things by their feet. The bell rang as the rest of the students took their seats. "Good morning students, I am Coach, you must and always refer to me as Coach. I will not answer to any other name. Now I'm going to call role. Please say here and go play something. Don't be a book nerd. I hate book nerds. Also, if you're a lacrosse player. I expect you to be on the field playing lacrosse! Now, Aguilar!" Coach yelled. "Here!" A girl responded and ran towards the basketball courts. "Man what's wrong with him?" Eli asked. "He's really mad because some of the team from last year have been slipping up on grades. Now they're  not eligible to play until they raise them," Theo said quietly. "Theo!" Coach called out. "Here!" Theo responded. "I'll need you out on the field now!" Coach yelled out. Theo nodded as he ran out to the field. "Valentina!" Coach continued. "Here!" Valerie responded as she patted Eli on the shoulder and walked out to the field. After a couple more names, Coach looked at the only kid sitting down, "Varick. Eli Varick. Are you the boy who took seven's gear?" Coach asked as he walked forward to Eli. In response, Eli stood up and held out the gear he took home yesterday, "Yeah," He said. "Are you going to be coming to tryouts today?" Coach asked. "Why should I? Everyone thinks I'm a loser," Eli said and walked passed him. "Good. I didn't want a book nerd on the team," Coach said. Eli stopped walking and clenched his fist. Then he exhaled sharply and walked out to the field.

"Yo Eli!" Theo called out wearing his lacrosse gear. Eli then walked over with his hands in his pockets. "Yeah?" He asked. "Come on let's play. You remember everything that I taught you last night?" Theo asked. "Yeah I do, but Coach just told me he doesn't want me on his team. And I hate sports," Eli said. "Coach does that. It means you're in the middle. Show him who Eli is," Theo said as he grabbed extra gear from his left and held them out to him. "This is the last time," Eli said as he grabbed the gear. He took off his jacket and put on the gear. "Alright. Let's play!" Theo announced as he threw Eli a stick.

Coach walked outside to find the girls tossing a ball close to the lacrosse fields but he didn't care as he saw Theo run across the field. "Let's go boys!" Coach yelled, standing from the sidelines. "Cover Theo!" One of the players announced as Theo was carrying the ball and made it down half the field. Two defenders blocked him. Theo looked around to pass the ball to someone until he saw Eli run pass the halfway mark raising his stick. "Eli!" Theo yelled as he passed the ball. The ball hit the floor and bounced up where Eli then caught the ball and ran towards the goal. "Fake right, spin, and pocket the ball," Eli said to himself as he reached the goalie. He faked right, spun around him and tossed the ball into the net. "Yeah!!!" Everyone yelled as they ran to Eli and cheered. "Nice one," Theo said. "Nice pass," Eli responded. Coach smirked and blew the whistle which caught everyone's attention. "Nice assist Theo. Also, nice goal Varick. You think you can do that during tryouts today?" Coach asked. "Yes Sir!" Eli responded. "Alright. I'll be expecting you Varick," Coach said and blew the whistle once again. Everyone ran back to the field but right before, Coach grabbed Kaysee and whispered something in his ear. "You sure?" Kaysee asked. Coach nodded and Kaysee ran back to the field.

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