Season 1, Chapter 6 - Full Moon

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It was friday morning. The day of the full moon has arrived. Eli had just finished changing and getting scolded from his Nana, "See you later!" Eli said as he closed the door and exhaled sharply. Valerie was walking passed his house and stopped to catch his attention with a simple wave. "Hey Val!" He yelled out and joined her on the walk to school. "How was your date yesterday?" Valerie asked as they then turned the corner. "Not good. I took her to the place where the shooting was. It was crazy. Where's Theo?" He asked and sighed as he thought about what Kelsee said the night before. "I don't know," Valerie said awkwardly. "It's weird too. It looked like the shooter was aiming for that guy Jose who was our server. Sadly, he died," Eli said as they arrived at the parking lot of the school.

"Anywho. Did you hear about the lacrosse team placement match today?" Valerie asked. "No, what's that?" Eli continued. "Coach puts up the position "Captain," before the first official game. Theo is bummed because he missed out. You think you'll be able to get captain?" She asked. "Alright. I might as well do it I guess," Eli said as they arrived at the front of the school. "See ya later," Valerie said as she headed off to first period. Eli waved goodbye and headed off into his Chemistry class. Once he walked into the classroom, he noticed Kelsee right off the bat and tried to talk to her, "Kelsee?" He called out. She chose to ignore him and continue drawing. "Figures," Eli scoffed and sat down.

*After School*

Eli walked into the boys locker room to find himself around the whole team except for Theo. "There he is. What's wrong? You look so gloomy. Don't tell me you're nervous," Kaysee pointed out and walked up to Eli. "Uhhh... No I'm not. Just kinda bummed about some personal stuff Kase," He said and sat down. Coach walked into the locker room with a clipboard and an unsettling face almost if he was going to explode. "Listen up! Theo Javistha has been in an accident. He is going to be gone for a good while," The coach announced. "Wait what? What happened?" Eli asked nervously. "Why didn't she tell me anything?" He thought to himself. "He was driving home last night and found himself sandwiched between two cars. Luckily, he only fractured his leg. He will probably return to school in a couple of weeks. It's sad he missed this game," Coach said. Eli took a couple steps back, the look on his face was as if someone shot him in the chest. He held his chest and sat down, breathing heavily. "Don't get blind sighted now. Today is the tryouts game. It's a friendly match against Northeast High. Such a stupid name for a good lacrosse team. I need you all to play good, and maybe one of you will make captain. Now suit up, the game is going to start soon!" Coach yelled and walked outside to the field. "Are you okay?" Kaysee asked. "I don't know... I-I'll be back," Eli said with shortened breath as he rushed out of the locker room and bolted to the bathroom. He closed the door and rushed to the sink where he splashed water in his face. "What's wrong?" Josh asked. Eli quickly turned around to find Josh standing at the door.

"Theo got hurt. He could have died. What if they know that he knows about me? Someone is probably after him. I did this," Eli said as he thought of the horrid possibilities and held his head. "Calm down. Calm down," Josh said slowly and calmly as he grabbed Eli by the shoulder. "Why does this Theo guy mean so much to you? Are you?" Josh said awkwardly. "No I'm not... Theo is my only friend that I can trust," Eli said as he slowly began to catch his breath. "Look, We can have this under control. Where is he?" Josh asked as he whipped out his phone. "I don't know. You mind if I borrow your phone?" Eli asked. Josh then handed him the phone as he locked the door behind them. "Pick up," Eli said as he heard the constant ringing until someone picked up. "Hello?" Theo answered. "Theo! Are you okay?" Eli asked quickly. "Yeah... Is this you Eli?" Theo questioned.

"Yeah. You scared the hell out of me man. I thought they got you," Eli sighed. "Wait what? Who?!" Theo asked as he looked all around him. "Where's Varick?!" Coach yelled. "I don't have much time. I was attacked the night before. They already know what I am. I have no idea if they know about you. You need to watch yourself," Eli said and ended the call. "What are you going to do?" Josh asked as he saw Eli pacing. "I need to protect him somehow. I mean he would do the same if it was the other way around," He panicked. "I have a plan. But you need to get back to life. Go and play your game. I came to watch over you cause of the full moon tonight," Josh said. "Ok... ok. Didn't you say that it was going to be hard for me to control it under a full moon. I don't feel anything," Eli stated. "You sure? Look at your hands," Josh said. Eli gave him a confused glance but then lowered his head to find his nails transform into claws. "How do I stop it?" Eli asked. "Just calm down. Everything is just fine," Josh said as he grabbed Eli and threw him outside.

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