Season 1, Chapter 5 - The Pack

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"Alright man, peace!" Eli said and waved as a he walked inside. "You're home. Would you like dinner?" Nana asked. "No thanks Nana. I'm going out in a little bit. Can I borrow the car?" He asked and walked over to the closet near his bedroom to drop off his lacrosse gear. "Where you going?" She asked. "Just going to have dinner with a friend," He said quickly and entered his room. "Hmmm... Fine. But you have to be home by midnight," She stated. He ran out of the door in excitement, "Will do," he said and jumped into the bathroom. "That boy is always up to trouble," She said to herself and closed the fridge behind her. "Better text her the address," Eli suggested to himself as he picked up his phone and turned it on, but it soon turned off immediately.

"Damn... Nana! Can you please bring me the house phone?" Eli asked. She opened the door a few moments later and handed him the phone. "Ah! Thank you," Eli said as he felt her nail cut his hand. "Oh sorry," Nana said and left him in the bathroom. He looked down at his hand to see the blood slowly dripping down his palm, but it suddenly raised up, almost as if time was in reverse. The cut suddenly healed with ease, "Well that's... unreal," Eli smiled as he dialed Kelsee's number. "Hello?" A girl answered. "Hey, It's Eli," He stated. "Oh hey Eli," Kelsee answered back. "How does dinner sound around eight?" Eli asked. "Sounds great. I'll start seeing what I'm going to wear. See you later," She said and ended the call. Eli smiled and jumped in the shower.

*Couple Hours Later*

"Alright Nana. I think I'll be heading out now!" Eli yelled as he looked in the mirror and brushed his hair. He was wearing nice black and white buttoned up shirt. Then some black pants and lastly some grey shoes. "Remember what I said, Midnight," Nana said as she held out the keys. "No problem," Eli said as he grabbed the keys and placed them in his pocket. He then walked outside to a regular old SUV and jumped inside. Nana walked towards the car and poked her head inside, "You remember how to drive right? There's a bunch of crazy people out here," Nana said as she buckled him up herself. "I'll be fine don't worry. I'll call you when I'm on the way home," Eli said as he held up his phone and backed out of the driveway. "Bye!" Eli shouted as he drove off. "Man he's smart and dumb at the same time," Nana said to herself and took out her phone.

Eli parked himself by the sidewalk of Kelsee's house. He inhaled slowly and jumped out of the car, and walked towards the front door. Eli then knocked on the door and exhaled sharply. A man answered the door quickly and glared at Eli standing before him, "Who are you?" The man asked. "I'm Eli Varick, I'm picking up Kelsee to go to dinner if that's okay with you?" Eli questioned. The guy blinked and smiled. "Kelsee! Your date is here," The man shouted and left the front door open. Eli looked to his right to see Kelsee wearing a shiny grey dress that sparkled as she walked down the stairs. "I'm ready to go," Kelsee announced and walked out to Eli. "You look amazing," Eli said. "Thanks," She smiled. "I want her back before nine," The man said and closed the door. "Sorry, he's a little much right now," Kelsee said as they walked to the car. "Don't worry. I've seen worse," Eli said as he had a flashback of his Nana throwing a chancla at him after he broke a vase in the house. He opened the door for Kelsee, "Thank you," She said happily and jumped in the car. Eli walked over to his side and began to smell a weird but familiar smell, instead of trying to figure it out, he rushed himself into the car. "Alright. Our reservations are at seven, let's do this," Eli stated and drove off, leaving someone in the rear view mirror.

"So what's this place called?" Kelsee asked. "Mythic Burgers. I heard it was a great place," Eli said as he turned the corner to a shiny sign displaying the restaurant "Mythic Burgers" coming their way. Eli parked the car far away from the front door since most of the spaces were already taken. "I got the door for ya," Eli said as he turned off the car, stepped out and walked over to Kelsee's door. He opened the door with a smile and held out his hand. "Thank you," She smiled and took his hand, where he then helped her out and closed the door. "Why did you pick this restaurant anyway?" Kelsee asked as they reached the front double doors. "While I was looking for places. I heard of this place. The name says burgers which is kind of disappointing if you think about it at first, but the reason why is because they don't actually make burgers here," Eli said as he opened the door and showed the golden lights raining upon them. The amazing smell of the food surrounded them like mist as they walked towards the front desk where they were accompanied by a server. "Reservation for Eli Varick," Eli said. "Found you. Follow Jose to your table. Enjoy the meal," The manager said as he showed them to the server Jose.

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