The god's

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Peter's POV

Looking around the living room I sighed, walking over the fridge only to look in and find nothing, seriously this place holds gods, super soldiers and (kind of) normal human beings, WHY IS THERE NO FOOD?!?!

E/Red🌹<Has anyone ever heard of shopping here? Jesus Christ>

J/Blue💧[Oh shush at least they feed us]

E/Red🌹<Ye well right now they're not and I'm hungry>

J/Blue💧[Just shut up complaining, be grateful]

E/Red🌹<You shut up bitch>

J/Blue💧[Oh so I'm a bitch now well fudge you arsehole]

E/Red🌹<Ohhhhhh you want to go there, fine come on ill kick your arse easily>

J/Blue💧[Really because I can think of many ways ill knock you out]


E/Red🌹<Woah calm down mate- WAIT WHO ARE YOU?!>


Green🌱*Oh please I'm no danger, I'm Green peters normal thoughts kind of like a reminder*

J/Blue💧[So if your Peters normal thoughts what are we?]

E/Red🌹<Bet I'm the amazing ones>

Green🌱*Well like Peter said before Jackson is Peter's 'Kind' thoughts also known as Blue and you, Elle, are Peter's mean thoughts, known as Red*

E/Red🌹<Pfft, nice? he acts like he doesn't even know what the word means, and Peter calling me mean is ok but you? That's not ok and if you keep going I swear to god I will find a way to murder you... I see it now, continue>

Green🌱*Right. Anyway, we are hungry correct? so let's go to that sandwich place we like and not fight ok? OK*

I have a major problem, three voices in my head. THREE?! like ok maybe I should tell someone, but they will just call me crazy well... I kind of am.

"The first floor please Fri" I spoke up to the A.I in the ceiling.

"Ok baby spider" Baby spider? really, Tony, I am not a baby. As I stepped out of the tall building I pulled out my earphones and put them in listening to Spotify.

The walk to Delmar's took about ten minutes leaving me with my thoughts but once I walked into the sandwich shop I smiled.

"Hey, Mr Delmar, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you? haven't seen you in a while"

"Just been a bit busy" Grabbing two bags of jelly beans I stepped up to the counter with a bright smile.

"Number 5 please with pickles and could you squish it down really flat? Thanks" Mr Delmar turned to me as someone started to make my sandwich.

"So how are you holding up kid, I heard about the news" Shaking my head I looked down.

"I'm fine for now It's just hard without her you know?" Handing me my food he nodded with a sad smile.

"I understand, stay safe kid keep your head high" Walking out the door I noticed that my eyes were slightly wet making me wipe at them quickly.

Irondad: RedeemedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora