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He didn't notice me. So, I moved closer then I heard him say yes, you are

Uhmmmm hi?


I hung up.


So I moved closer and pulled his hoodie but he was still on the phone.

"I've already hung up, finally found-" He is Umar. Whaaat noooo. This can't be.

"Amra, why will you just interrupt my phone call??"

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I thought you were someone else."

"Welllll, I'm not."

"Why are you angry?" I asked, I was really worried.

He left me and my unanswered question.

I was about to leave the library when he called


Heyyy? Why did you hang up?

No reason. It was a mistake.


When will I see you and also know your name?

Soon baby girl, soon


Just wanted to make sure you were okay.

I am. Alhamdulillah

Yes Alhamdulillah.

I hung up before he could say another word.

Ameer and Amra got home from school, still not speaking to each other.

"What is wrong with you two?"

Ameer~ So, at lunch today....

Amra~ So, at lunch today....

"Heisss (a word said to get attention) who will I listen to?"

"Me!" Ameer exclaimed.

"Forget it seff. I've forgiven you."

So Amra couldn't decide whether to forgive Ameer or Prank him.

A/N:°~°Reader should pick either A or B.

(A) Forgive Ameer.

"Amra, what happened?" Mum asked me.

"Well, at the cafeteria today. Ameer playfully hit me and I got mad so I hit him back. Then people started looking at us. Then we argued."

"Is that all?" Mum asked raising an eyebrow. I need to learn how to raise an eyebrow too.


"Tell me."

"I told him that I don't need him."

"Amra, how could you?" My mum asked sounding like a teen. I guess.

"I don't know mum, I was mad at him."

"Now you are going to go apologize to your brother." She stated.


"No buts."

"Ameer, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Amra."

"Now, how does forgiving feel?"

"It feels amazing mum." Ameer said.

(B) Prank Ameer.

After I told them to forget what happened, I went to my room knowing fully well Ameer has a huge crush on Yasmin, my former neighbour in the UK.

So, I called her and told her to pretend she has feelings for my dear twin.

After all arrangements, she made a conference call.

Her brother|His crush

Heyyy yasmin. I never expected a call from you

Ohh. Was just missing you

You were missing me?

Yessss Ameer.

Damnn I never thought you'd miss me

Well I do miss you

Ah I miss you too

Ameer you are really cute you know

Yeaaa the ladies can't deny that

You're so full of yourself

I've heard that

I like you. Not that I like you but I like like you. So I wanna end the friendship cuz I can't just be your friend

Whaaaat? You like me?


Nice. Thank you for the like. Now tell Amra that if she wants to prank me, she should try better

What are you talking about?

You tell me.

You're so annoying

Now that's the yasmin I know. Tahtah dawling.

Ughhh. Prank gone wrong

Alhamdulillah for another year.

So who were y'all thinking she'd meet?? Him?😂sorry .

I know this chapter was a lil boring but I'm sorry. I wrote this with sleepy eyes.

Good Night loves💋❤

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