A rape victim's perspective

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I see nothing but darkness
I feel so numb
Please, what is wrong with me?
Honestly, I feel so confused

You know, paintings are for pictures
They are so hard to understand
So, let me paint you a picture
Maybe you'll understand...

It was a beautiful day
So, I decided to go for a stroll
But, little did I know
I was being followed
So, I tried to stay calm because...
I was well-dressed

Then, all of a sudden
it started raining
So, I decided to head back home

I stood by my window
Watching the rain
Then, I felt someone behind me
"You're so pretty"
That's what he said

I closed my eyes while my heart beat in fright
I felt as his hand covered my mouth
I tried to scream but I couldn't shout
The pain as every piece of clothing I had on
was being torn...
I thought that was it
I thought I was going to die

Two bodies
Two lungs
Pressed against the cage
That kept my soul contained

The darkness is back
And, just like that...
My innocence was taken

I would never wish for anyone
To go through what I went through
I still have dreams that haunt me

It was already night-time when he left
It was heavily raining
I could hear the thunder
I could see the lightening

I cried my heart out that night
I couldn't stop crying...

A rapist doesn't care about what you wear
It could be a short dress or a hijab
He just doesn't care...
He only wants your body.

If my answer is no then my answer is no.
If I can't say NO
Then I can't say YES

You always need consent before you touch a woman
Rape victims usually don't speak up because
They have no one to talk to
Or they'll end up getting blamed

I have never been raped
But I know the feeling of loneliness

All lives matter
Do not say black lives matter
Just because
it's trending right now

Muslims around the world are dying
Their lives also matter
Pray for them

IG: a.meenahh_

Please watch my igtv
Love you guys

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