Part 13: Objectionable

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Dedicated to: PearlGiftyQuansah

"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."
-Wayne Dyer


Both were abruptly awoken by a sharp knock on the door.
"Your highnesses, are you ready? The competition starts in 25 minutes."
The voice was familiar. It was that girl from the desk

What is she doing here this early? What is she talking about, 25 minutes? Thought the sleepy hero. She rolled over and looked at the clock beside her bed. "Crap!" She heard Toxic’s voice cry out from the bedroom beside hers as he realized the exact same fact. It was 5:30 in the evening! She jumped out of bed freaking out.

"Here, put this on!" Toxic rushed through the curtain and shoved a large bundle of pink chiffon fabric into her hands. Her eyes went to his body; he was wearing only black silk pajama bottoms, and suddenly heat rushed to her cheeks. It was the first time she had seen him without his clothes on. She caught herself quickly and tried to focus on the bundle in her hands. It was actually a big, poofy, full length dress, and the last time Andromeda had worn something like this was... never.

After dressing up, they both dashed for the bathroom. Toxic was putting on an all-white tuxedo, which she found kind of ironic. He shoved a tube of mascara and eyeliner into her hands. His own no doubt; and then he quickly splashed some water onto his curly black hair as she tried to concentrate on putting on the makeup. Toxic and Galaxy Girl raced for the door, she clutched the big puffy skirt in her hands, and right as they reached the doorway, the excruciatingly wound up hero realized she wasn't wearing any shoes.
"Toxic, my feet!" She cried, sticking out a bare foot and wiggling it. "Oh right!" He dashed back and within a few seconds, he was back with a pair of rhinestone encrusted silver high heels. The girl in the dress that resembled cotton candy took a loud gulp.
Toxic may have been her real life nemesis, but that type of footwear was the often klutzy and off balance.

"But, I, I..." she stuttered. “No buts, we don't have the time!" He knelt down and grabbed her foot, shoving it inside the shoe. Galaxy Girl nearly toppled over. Soon they were racing to the elevator. She was tempted to fly, rather than deal with the excruciating pain of running in that ridiculous footwear, but with a quick glance around, she was promptly reminded of the many cameras that lined the hotel hallway. The elevator door dinged shut, and she noticed that Toxic’s hands were surrounded by his emitted radiation.

"Toxic, your hands!" She gasped, pointing at them. "My gloves! I left them!" He slapped his forehead.
Galaxy Girl looked up at her villain with worry. How nervous must someone with iconic memory be to actually forget something? Toxic himself was left stunned, first her shoes and now his own gloves? It was the first time it had ever happened to him. How could he go from a completely flawless record to forgetting two things in under two minutes?

"We have to go back for them!" She reaches over to change the elevator course but he batted her hand away. "There is no time!" He shouted and shoved his hand into hers. "Whatever you do, don't let go!" Without a second to spare, the elevator door slid open with a ding and they found themselves in a dimly lit ballroom, with a humongous crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.  A live orchestra played a soft foxtrot to which a couple with matching white blonde hair floated seamlessly across the dance floor: gracefully executing each step as if it were a walk in the park. At a table on the other side of the room sat three judges, one of them was the tall brunette woman who had shown them in from the airport yesterday. The other two were men, one a sweaty, slightly heavy set man with a dark toupee, sitting atop his head. The other was a much younger man in his late 20's, sporting a military cut to his brown hair, dressed in a finely tailored suit. Galaxy Girl felt her stomach doing backflips.

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