Part 73: Ballroom Blitz

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He dropped his guard, relaxing his arms as he casually turned towards his Arch Rival.
"So, you wanna hold hands?"

Galaxy Girl raises an eyebrow, and a confused moment passed before she realized what he was asking of her.
"Of course I would."
She smiles slyly, placing her hand daintily atop his. Toxic gripped it tight with both of his and swung her around, and she quickly extended her knees. With a single powerful blow she kicked both speeders out of orbit, sending them flying.

Quickstep and Cha-cha landed hard on their backsides, skidding on the hard polished dance floor before jumping back up to their feet, faces bearing expressions of surprise. 
Hands still locked, Toxic yanked Galaxy back up to her feet.
"It's on." He declares.

The speeders charged at the unlikely team and the battle began to reach an ultimate climax. It was a blur of fists, boots, hair and adrenaline. Toxic and Galaxy Girl's newfound dance skills strangely crept into the battle, the twists and fancy footwork merging themselves with punches and blocks. Amazingly, the things they had learned greatly improved the fighting performance of both of them! Galaxy Girl's stance and agility was less clumsy and each move was more precise.
Toxic's punches, his stamina and the ability to take a hit had greatly improved as well; thanks to the rigorous exertion which ballroom dancing had put him through. 

Galaxy Girl linked her elbow with Toxic's and he rolled across her back, kicking Quickstep square in the jaw. Quickstep quickly recovered, retorting with a hard punch to his nephew’s nose. Galaxy Girl pulled her now ally out of the way before he could be struck again by the black and yellow clad villain. His nose was just starting to bleed, they were both exhausted, and the constant whirring of the evil twins had sucked almost all the oxygen away from the dance floor. She didn't know how much more either of them could take before they simply fell apart. 

Toxic gave her a look and with their hands clasped together they charged at the enemy head on. It was a beautiful scenery to see them both immediately knocked to the ground with a violent force. They tried to get up and we're knocked back down again. 
Toxic flew against the base of the stage and Galaxy Girl landed sprawled out in front of him, seemingly out cold. 

"Stay down boy."
Cha-cha's steely voice orders.
"What is the point in getting up? Your little rival is down for the count and if two of you together could not take us, you definitely cannot do it alone."
They closed the distance till they are standing just right in front of Galaxy Girl's body. 

The Radioactive Supervillain sat up, now glowing green without Galaxy Girl's contact, and he wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his sleeve. Quickstep’s gaze traveled from the fallen hero and his nephew towards his still unconscious former brother-in-law who was at the other side of the floor.
"Uspekh luchshaya mest.'"
Success is the best revenge.
He grinned at his sister, speaking in Russian. 

Toxic stifled a cry of pain, grabbed his bruised rib, and sighed in defeat.
"Excellent choice." Said the tall woman looming over him.
"Now you have a front row seat to watch the world burn at your father's expense."
Quickstep leered, holding up the detonator to the bomb. 

"Actually..." Toxic groaned as he reached into his coat pocket.
"I think I'll pass."
He laughed, holding up the severed piece of wires and metal. The twins; wide-eyed and   distracted hadn't noticed that Galaxy Girl had crept her hands around their ankles. 

"Toxic NOW!" She cried, squeezing them firmly. The bright blue light of the freeze ray fired out from a small crack in the curtains, and try as they may to run, the Speeders found out disappointedly that they couldn’t and so, the blue rays hit their targets dead-on. Toxic grabbed Galaxy Girl's boot and yanked her away from them just in time.

The two villains were now frozen like statues in time.
The ploy had worked, the battle had been won!
She sat up beside Toxic, breathless and beat up,
"It's done..." her head flopped onto his shoulder
"It's actually done."
They both began to laugh. 

"Galaxy Girl!?!"
Captain Galaxy's booming voice cried out from the hole in wall. Standing behind him was about a half dozen reporters, and at least 75 spectators with camera phones. 


A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Super sad that not so much remains of this story left to post on Wattpad, just a handful of chapters after this. :(
I hope you guys are enjoying it while it is available to you here.
-Catalina (Queenofgeeks)

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