The Knights and the Lullaby (Part 1)

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       Though the townspeople were already asleep in their beds, there were a few mischievous souls still playfully lurking around the Hamilton castle. Both the royals were cuddling on their bed, reading a book of their choice, while the handmaids readied Philip for bed. The two were getting drowsy, when one of the handmaids knocked on the door.

      "Excuse me, Prince Philip is ready for bed." The handmaid clearly reported through the closed door.

     The couple shot up, hitting each others heads in the process. They rubbed their temples, glanced at each other, and laughed at their clumsiness. As they were laughing, the handmaid spoke again.

      "Pardon again, but King Alexander, there are three men waiting for you in the throne room."

    Alexander's laughter stopped short, he gave a shy smile towards his wife and asked her to take care of putting Philip to sleep.

      "Of course honey, just make sure you don't burn down the castle like you almost did last time." Eliza agreed playfully. She placed a kiss on his cheek and left to take care of their son.

    Alexander quickly jumped from the bed and ran to the door in excitement. He threw it open, raced down the stairs towards the throne room and screamed eagerly.

      "WHAT TIME IS IT!"

  The three strangers turned around from their current conversation and started grinning eat to ear.


    The three ran towards the ecstatic king, and playfully tackled him in dog pile. Their laughs grew as they got up and gave each other friendly hugs. John managed to stop his incessant giggles as he started the conversation.

        "How's it going Alexander? Or should I say, King Alexander." He corrected himself as he mockingly bowed.

     Hercules laughed as he continued to do the same.

     "Long time no see, it's been a while."

      "Oui, But fortunately, ." Lafayette added, a sly grin growing on all of their faces.

  Alex decided that it was time to get started. He walked towards his throne and reached underneath it. He grabbed a wicker basket filled with twenty bottles of pitch black ink. The grins on their faces grew as Alex directed them to the palace doors.


      Eliza happily walked down the hallway towards her child, this was one of her favorite parts of the day. She rounded the corner of the large palace as she took in the entirety of it. The hallways walls were a shining bronze gold, the furniture lining them were a similar color but were decorated with plain gold lining. The picture frames hanging from said walls were large and eye-catching, they held the Schuyler family portraits from the years. 

      Each picture seemed to be exactly the same, each generation looking off in the distance, a their faces solemn and still. But, thankfully, there was one portrait that outshone the rest, Eliza stopped her determined walking to behold her favorite portrait. 

      The frame held a regal family of three, each member had a bright smile on their face and looked directly forward, as if they were smiling at the people that walked down the corridor. The king had chestnut colored hair left down on his structured head with light stubble,  brown eyes that held a mischievous twinkle, olive skin randomly sprinkled with beauty marks every now and again, and was dressed in light brown professional attire. The woman, who's hair was night black and glided down to her middle back, a sculpted round face with almond shaped light brown eyes and tanned pale skin, was sitting piously beside the man holding a newborn baby. The baby's eyes seemed to be fixated on the woman and man, the rest of his body was swaddled in a light gold blanket and only his little head and a few strands of hair were seen. The aura around them seemed to be joyful as small smiles lit up their faces.

         "Oh, Philip, my precious son. You and Alexander are the literal lights of my life." Eliza whispered to herself adoringly.

    She continued to walk down the hallway, filled with hope and excitement to watch their baby grow into a strong, young man. But until then-

       "Mama!" Philip called hopefully, waiting to be tucked in with a loving good night kiss.

   Eliza had a little son to love and attend to right now.

A/N: Hoi peoples! Sorry about the absolute chaos that are my updates, but ya know ya girl is still an amateur (in both time management and a proper plot line)! I was trying to make this super long, but I thought you guys would want more updates. So if you want longer chapters but less updates or vise versa, just put your answer in the comments!

    Thank you for all of your support! I Love Ya'll SOOOOOOO Much!

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