pt. 10 Couch

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I hurried to the main office where Lee Gun Ho usually worked at.
Him and Seokjin were at his desk, discussing something over his computer as Seokjin worked on it.
They both looked up in surprise at my arrival.

"What are you--"

I cut Seokjin off, "Where is everyone? Shouldn't the team be here?"

"No one wanted to work overtime. It's not their job on the line, so they didn't care." Gun Ho complained.

"Were you able to finish my design yet?" I asked, joining them at the desk.

"We haven't been able to get around to it yet. Our client changed their minds about their vision again." Seokjin grumbled, typing furiously on the keyboard.

"I swear it seems as if we're being sabotaged!" Lee Gun Ho threw his hands up in frustration.

"You're not." I assured him, calmly. "If there's anything I've learned from my internship is that clients don't know what they want. They have an idea, but it's up to us to create and decide."

I walked over to Lee Gun Ho and patted him on the shoulder, "You seemed overworked, sir. Go rest while I look over the portfolios. I might be able to come up with some ideas for their advertisement."

He sighed with relief, thanked me and went to a back office to rest.

I rolled my sleeves up and as I began to tie my hair back, Seokjin cocked his head to the side.

Looking up and down at my outfit, he asked, "So why are you here and not on your date?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm here to help, obviously."

He furrowed his brows. "Did something happen or were you just bored?"

"Are you so bored that you have to ask me a million questions?" I retorted.

He huffed in annoyance as I smiled slyly.

"If you must know, he offered to cut the date short because he could tell I was worried about you guys. I was having a great time though." I folded my arms, looking down my nose at him.

He wasn't looking at me, however, but at his computer screen.
He had a distant look on his face.

After a short awkward silence, he said, "Thank you."

Well, that's a first.

We began looking through files that our client had sent with their storyboards of ideas. It all seemed scattered and at first glance, incoherent. Seokjin and I discussed some similarities until we discovered an overall theme.
At that time, Gun Ho had awoken.

He was excited at what we had accomplished, and began planning out the final idea board to pitch to our clients.

I helped organize a bit before starting on the design. It was already passed midnight and the computer screen was starting to look blurry.

I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

Seokjin set a mug of steaming coffee on my desk, and gently pushed it towards me.

I thanked him, trying a sip.

Gaddamn that's good.

"You're actually really good at that," He stated observing my work on the screen as he sat on my desk next to me. "You're an artist."

I couldn't help but blush. "Well, I didn't get this job for no reason, right?"

He chuckled. "I suppose."
Under his breath he added, "Not like me."

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