pt. 12 Jealous

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I combed my hair with my fingers as I entered my office building.
It was a particularly windy day in Seoul.

I really should chop it all off...

I glanced at my watch. I was barely on time.
I rushed into the meeting room, joining Seokjin at the end of the table where Lee Gun Ho had all of his displays set up.

Seokjin greeted me formally, never making eye contact.

I guess we're back to that, huh...

The clients that arrived were obviously not from South Korea, with their naturally blonde hair and light colored eyes.

Lee Gun Ho leaned over towards me, his face apologetic, "I told them you would present for us since you're fluent in English. It would've taken longer to get an official translator. I hope you don't mind."

My heart sank.

Oh sure, I just love public speaking.
That's why I became a graphic artist.

I sighed and nodded.

I greeted the clients in English, and began discussing our proposal for their brand.

They sat in silence while I talked and still for a few moments after I was done.

Once they began conferring with each other in whispers, I exchanged looks with Seokjin and Lee Gun Ho.

Mr. Lee gave a smile of approval and Seokjin barely spared me a glance.

I began biting my lip, my confidence slipping.

He could give me a thumbs up or something...

The clients stood up, causing Seokjin and Lee Gun Ho to do the same.

"We are satisfied with what you came up with." One said with some European accent, "We accept this and will pass our recommendations to our peers for your services."

I bowed, Seokjin and Lee Gun Ho following suit.

When they left, they both turned to me in question.

"They loved it." I simplified it to them.

Lee Gun Ho laughed excitedly, clasping Seokjin and I each by the shoulder,
"This calls for a celebration, my friends! Let me treat you both out tonight!"

I looked at my shoes, mumbling, "Well, I actually---"

Seokjin spoke up, "I have plans already, sir. But maybe another night."

I looked up at him, his face unreadable.

Lee Gun Ho sighed, "I forget how young you two are. Far too young and busy for old men like me." He laughed to lighten the mood, "Well, some other time then. Go celebrate in your own ways tonight!"
He left Seokjin and I to yet another awkward silence.

Seokjin began to take down the display.

"Er..." I began as I tried to help clean up, "So what are your plans tonight?"

Seokjin paused, his head whipping towards me, "What are yours?"

I looked away, my face heating up, "Well since I left Taehyung so early last--"

"Oh yes of course." Seokjin interjected, resuming his clean up, "Well, I have a date tonight as well. A set up by my father. She's a model or something."

I paused.

I am not jealous.

My heart being in my throat told me otherwise.

I shoved those feelings down into a deep dark abyss in my heart and forced a smile. "That's cool." I lied.

Seokjin finished putting everything away and nodded to me, "Well I hope you and Tae enjoy your evening."

So formal...

"I hope your evening is pleasant as well." I replied, mocking his formality.

He took a second to frown at me and then left.

I felt like I was finally able to breathe when he shut the door behind him.

I looked at my phone.
I had plenty of time to get ready for tonight.

Well, I guess I know where I stand with Seokjin now.

I sighed and left to go home.

Then why do I still feel so... Confused?

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