Villian Scenerio: Tomura

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Requested by @0WritersBlock0 hope you don't mind if I change it up a bit you are a puppy in this scenario
"And stay out!" You steadily stood up as the restaurant manager yelled and threw food that you have stolen. Your mother, Imo had grabbed the food in her mouth and helped you stand up and led you to another alleyway for some more food. Your mother had led you to a bar in an alleyway.

You had briskly scratched on the door and waited for it to be opened.When the door opened there was a blond haired girl  with syringe's in her left hand. "Awwww look at these cut little precious puppies, come here cuties." You jumped in the blond girls arms and looked at the people you were surrounded by. "Toga get those dogs out of here." Said a black haired man. You jumped down and ran to a baby blue haired male with red eyes and licked his face. "GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME BEFORE I KILL IT!" You had then ran behind Toga and Toga started arguing. After Toga and the red eyed male were done arguing on wether they should keep you two or not. "Keep them but if either one of them comes near me or my room there dead." Toga nodded and picked you up and headed to her room.

-time skip-

It was late at night and your mom nor Toga was nowhere to be found and you were starting to get a bit scared until you found a door with a blue light in the room. You had slowly walked in to find Shigaraki talking to a man on through his computer screen. "How has the plan been going so far Shigaraki?I hope you don't have any distractions." Shigaraki sh00k his head. When Shigaraki was about to answer you had jumped on to his lap and started licking the Shigaraki's face and the screen. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU FILTHY MUTT!" Shigaraki was about to touch your body until Kurogiri quickly grabbed you and left. "You almost got yourself killed. Stay away from him." Kurogiri felt claws on his pant as he walked to the bar table. He then started playing with you until he was getting tired and carried you to his bedroom.

-1 hour time skip-

About an hour goes by and you were still awake and Toga or your mother still wasn't there. You had unraveled yourself from the blankets that Kurogiri gave you to sleep in and walked to Shigaraki's door scratching it.The door opened and you ran to his bed." No your not sleeping with me tonight or ever for that matter." You gave him puppy dog eyes and he agreed to let you sleep with him. The next morning Toga came into Shigaraki's room and too at picture of the two of you sleeping and cuddling together. You two kept sleeping together until you died.


Well there ya go I'm finally done with this scenario its kind of short but who cares. I probably wont be updating until February cause ya know ya alien boy is grounded. But uh request are still open if ya didn't know

Well Goodday/night/afternoon my fellow readers 

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