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last written warning of the book: murder


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Jungkook readjusted his black masquerade mask with a smirk as he points his gun at whoever Yoongi in his earpiece tells him to. The sounds of people screaming and running frantically for their lives was easily ignored.

"The woman in the green to your left." Jungkook turned and shot her straight in the forehead.

"The man wearing black and blue in front of you." He twisted his gun sideways and nonchalantly pulled the trigger.

"Everyone behind you." Jungkook smiled pleasantly and spun around, bullets leaving dust traces from how many were leaving the brim of it at the speed of light.

Then, finally, Jungkook's signature move, shooting the giant glass chandelier that hung oh so beautifully in the center of the ballroom. He grinned as the gun let out a loud BANG! and even more screams were heard as the people under the chandelier ran to save their lives.

"Jewelery in this bag, please. Oh, madam that is a lovely necklace!" Jungkook heard Yoongi gasp somewhere in the ruckus, then heard him nearly growl. "Put it in the fucking bag right now."

Jimin was at the other side of the ballroom, taking care of the certain people who were in that half. Bullets were flying everywhere like crazy, people running to get under tables, others rushing to help those who were shot. As if they could save the dead.

"Everyone get down!" A random voice yelled somewhere in all the screaming and crying.

"Now, now! Don't worry, we're not here to hurt anybody!" Jungkook yelled with a smile. He turned around and saw the dead bodies lying on the floor. "Well, maybe except those people I guess," he shrugged nonchalantly.

The response he got were screams begging for their lives before their brains were blown out onto the walls behind them. Jimin chuckled at the irony and brought his bladed gun to his side, walking over to a specific group of people with an angered look on his face. His gun, which was decorated with small, sharp blades, was now facing some people sat in a special section. Jimin's pistol was plated with tiny blades that formed together to form a mirror look, giving it a glassy taste. A small glistening red snake was engraved at the gun's muzzle.

"Please," a man pleaded desperately when Jungkook walked up to him with a clear indent in his eyes. "Pl-please I-I have a wife, we—" 

"Hmmm," Jungkook hummed loudly, "You really should have thought about that before you got involved with stealing drugs from the Pythons."

The man opened his mouth once more to speak, possibly beg for his life again, or maybe to apologize—Jungkook knows it's happened before— but the man was quick to be silenced when he felt a cold silver bullet travel all the way from his throat to the roof of his mouth. His body fell with a loud thud as Jungkook turned around and walked away.

"Tell us where the Kim family is or I'll blow this entire building up with everyone in it!" Jimin's loud voice boomed through the air, his voice cutting like sharp knives through everyone's screams and cries.

"You!" Yoongi yelled at one of the waiters, grabbing the man tightly by the front of his shirt. "Where the fuck are the Kim's?" He growled.

"I-I d-don't—" Fear radiated from his body quicker than anything, his voice and body shaking in Yoongi's hold. The man paused as he felt a cold knife blade being pressed to his throat by someone from behind him. He would've gulped, but that probably would've made the knife slice right into his throat.

"Th-they were in that room," the man whispered with tears in his eyes, bringing his limp arm to point across the ballroom. He shouted in pain when Jungkook dropped him, clutching his sides and groaning.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other and smirked.

Bringing their guns to a few more heads and skillfully pulling their triggers, the two made way side by side into the small secret room. It was located behind a giant black curtain that was all the way backstage, hidden. Their smiles dropped when they opened the door and saw Yoongi already there, with a Kim in his hands.

"No fair, you beat us to it!" Jimin whined.

"You were taking too long," Yoongi said, rolling his eyes. He pressed his pure black katana tighter against the Kim's throat when the latter tried to move. Yoongi's katana was made out of a special black blade that couldn't be found anywhere else, and it had gold engravings all over. A small glistening red snake was encrusted on its black handle. 

"We got what we needed," Jungkook explained. "Let's get out of here," he placed his gun back in the back of his waistband. His gun was a cloudy dark grey color. It was decorated with small designs of tiny silver roses, showering his firearm with a nice gleam of elegancy.  A small glistening red snake was engraved at the gun's muzzle.

Each one of the gang's weapons spoke of their owners. Jimin's bladed mirror pistol, Yoongi's black and gold katana, and Jungkook's grey and rose-patterned glock, all sharing one thing: Their gang's glistening red snake.

A black bag was quickly thrown over the Kim's head, a white cloth already stuck in the man's mouth to prevent him from making noise beforehand. The cloth was coated with a strong liquid that would knock him out right about...

The Kim suddenly slumped back in his chair, his body going completely limp.


Yoongi put his katana back in his black scabbard, and with a signal nod of the head, all three men began to get the Kim ready for transport.

In only two minutes, they were packed up, walking out with smirks on their faces. Then, as if it was a flash of lightening or even a blink of an eye, the vehicle they loaded into was screeching its tires, the velocity growing insane. And then, just like that, they were G҉O҉N҉E҉.

yes this was edited i took a part out from here to put in the next chapter!! sorry for those who read it already.

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