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Taehyung trained and trained, countless nights and days long. He trained until his hands were full of dried blood from punching, his feet and legs sore from kicking, his fingers numb and sturdy as they shot hundreds of bullets out of his new given Scorpion pistol.

Don Gongchan had forced Taehyung to learn to fight every day, ever since the night when Taehyung inevitably found out his true identity.

Here, Taehyung sat in his bed at 12 AM, or 15 minutes after, finally getting the well deserved sleep. He was utterly exhausted to the point where he just collapsed into bed. His body felt as if it was on fire.

"Fuck," Taehyung groaned, feeling his limbs sore, and in some places, numb. His father made him take up taekwondo fight classes with the same personal trainer as Jin. Taehyung had bruises and cut everywhere, his personal trainer taking absolutely no mercy. 

"The real world takes no mercy! You must learn to accept that you will get hurt, and then you must learn that you must hurt back!" His personal trainer had screamed to Taehyung every time Taehyung would get knocked down, whether it be from a punch or kick or sneak attack.

Taehyung's eyes widened when he realized Jin went through this exact same thing.

Jin, his own older brother, had been going through this from the age of 15 till now. For years, Jin had been hiding his pain and suffering from his little brother. But there were still times were Taehyung would catch a glimpse or two of the affects the training had on his brother.

Small tears formed in Taehyung's eyes. He told me the bruises were from playing football. He told me he was alright. He told me not to worry.

Quickly wiping the tears away, telling himself he had no time to cry, Taehyung got into his bed. His eyes shut automatically as his heavy eyelids drooped down in exhaustion. He knew he had to get sleep, and fast. There was no time to think about anything else. Training had taken over his life.

After all, he'd just have to wake up again at 6:30 AM on the dot and train, train his entire heart and body out till 12 AM. After that, he'd go straight to his bedroom and fall asleep. Then, he'd wake up, and do all over again.

Eventually, days and days of training turned into weeks, and several weeks turned into an entire month.

"Taehyung, get your head out of your ass and focus!" his trainer snapped, taking his foot and hooking it around Taehyung's, making the latter drop back onto the floor harshly. The bruises on Taehyung's back stung as he winced in pain.

"Seungmin, you have to stop doing that!"

His trainer scoffed. "I will stop taking you off guard when you stop being off guard."

"Whatever, let's just get this over with, yeah?" Taehyung said, annoyed. He got up and returned to his fighting stance, fists up and ready. Taehyung's darkened eyes watched as Seungmin did the same.

"Ready..." Seungmin whispered, locking eyes with his opponent. His fast hand struck Taehyung suddenly, getting blocked by Taehyung's closet fist. Seungmin's expression did not change, however, as he skillfully brought his foot to swoosh and attempt to knock Taehyung off his feet.

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