Chapter 10: Confusion.

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Roger gave Brian a perplexed expression. "Eh?" Roger answered, confused. "You saw yourself?"

Brian nodded, "Yes, yes!—" It took Roger a full-minute to realize that they we're in the future, which made Brian impatient, "Oh!" Roger lit up, "Damn." he responded.

"That's all you gonna say?" Brian exclaimed, a bit freaking out.

"Okay, don't get your panties in a twist! I'm a little speechless right now, which is very unusual for me!" Roger confessed, "It's not like everyday you tell me you saw your older self, godd*mn!"

Brian was actually breathing heavily, which didn't help. It made Roger freak out, "Don't tell me you're fangirling, Bri!"

"We need to tell John and Fred." Brian rubbed his face, he started by walking so slowly, like a cop who's looking for a thief that must've been hiding somewhere. Roger rolled his eyes, "All you need is a finger gun, Brian and you'll look like a complete idiot."

Brian rolled his eyes, and started walking normally. Still, trying to be aware of his surroundings, he doesn't want to see his older self again, like never. Even the thought made him grimace a little. He found John and Freddie, too busy looking at the computer screen.

"John!" Brian called, which made John turn and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you look pale?" John questioned.

"You're never going to believe it," Roger spoke, "Brian here, apparently saw his senile old self." Which made Brian nudge Roger a little hard. John looked at the both, with a confused expression on his face, while Freddie was too busy to care, too occupied with the computer screen. Brian sighed, and poked him at the shoulder.

"I'm busy, dear!" Freddie responded, "I'm playing a game!"

"This is important, Fred! Come on, and get up!" Brian tried to find the power button of the computer, and once he found it, he clicked it and made the computer go off. Freddie bit his lip, and looked at him, "That's very rude, dear. Turn it back on." he ordered.

"Just listen go me, Fred. This is important." Brian said calmly which he didn't expect, then Freddie let out a little sigh.

"So, um.. back to where.." John spoke.

"Oh, yes. Uhm, I was reading a book, and then this man-" he stopped, "well, myself.." he corrected, "spoke to me, saying the book that I was holding was a good book. And he sounded just like me!"

"And when did that happen?" Freddie asked, stroking his moustache.

"Like 5 minutes ago." Roger replied, "He went to me after what happened, and basically he was freaking out."

"They could still be here then," John said, looking around. "Okay, what we really need to do is find them."

Brian glared at him with narrowed eyes, "Are you crazy? I don't want my older self having a heart attack here!"

"I would maybe pay big money to see that.." Roger mumbled to himself, which Brian heard, "Shut your mouth, Rog." He scolded.

"It's kind of a big risk, appearing ourselves to them. Apparently, I'm almost 28 years dead.." Freddie trailed off, not wanting to continue his sentence. Which made the 3 look at him sadly, but what Freddie felt it was pity.

"Alright," John broke the silence, which made Freddie silently sighed in relief. "They must be here somewhere, so this is our only chance. If we don't get to them, we might not have a chance again, so we split up. This can be our little meeting spot, yeah?" John declared.

They split up into 2 groups, looking around the library. Brian and Roger went left, then John and Freddie went the opposite way. As John and Freddie were looking at every aisle, John blurted, "I never got the chance to say sorry about what happened in that alleyway, Fred."

Freddie looked at him, and smiled. "It's okay, dear. You're forgiven." which made John lit up. After a few minutes of searching, John saw a man with white short hair who appears to be wearing sun-glasses, and talking to another man who seemed to be the same age as the man with the sun-glasses, with the same mop of hair like Brian's but white.

Freddie looked to where John was looking, "Oh, my god..Brian.." staring at the old man, then until he caught them staring. The man with the sunglasses turned around. John didn't really know what the man's expression was because of the glasses. The older Brian, put his hand over his mouth, as in shocked.

"Freddie?" The older Brian, walked towards them, "John?" the other man took his glasses off, which made John's eyes narrow, recognizing him; Roger.

Freddie and John were standing there frozen, and had the same expression as the 2 older men. "H-how?" the future self of Brian and Roger really wasn't wrapping around their heads. Which made John wonder of he's here in the library.

"This is impossible.." The older version of Roger spoke, looking at both Freddie and John, up and down.

"It is I.." Freddie awkwardly said, but a little dramatic, putting his arms out. Which made the older Brian hug Freddie, ever so tightly like he's life depended on it. The older Roger looked at John, with almost watery eyes, "J-John, I.." in instincts, John hugged Roger.

"Guys?" a high-pitched voice called, over 7 metres away. Roger and Brian we're back. Which made them broke apart, and looked over them, now the 2 older men looked at them with a shocked and horrid expressions in their faces.

"What the f*ck?!" both old and young version of Roger blurted. "How the f*ck is this happening?" The old Roger said, pinching his arms.

"Okay, okay.." John spoke, "Let's all calm down, yes this is very much happening right now." he said, trying to calm down both versions of their drummer and guitarist.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?" Roger blatantly commented, looking at his older self.

"Caught in a landslide.." The older Roger absentmindedly added.

"Guys, no..." Brian stopped them, looking over to Freddie and John who still had shocked expressions.

The older Brian looked at them, "H-how did you g-guys.. came here?" he stuttered. Still can't wrap his head around on what's happening.

The 4 looked at each other, knowing that the 2 older men might not understand the whole story.


okay, if u guys are a little confused, if I just plainly put 'Brian' i'm addressing the young one. Same to Roger.

i was actually listening to 'The March of the Black Queen" at 2:30 am when I was writing this xD such an underrated song. -sigh- i need to get some sleep. oOF.

I hope u guys enjoyed the chapter. hee HEE. oh yeah and i changed the cover for this book. :))

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