Chapter 12: Netflix? more like a self-destruct button..

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Brian's POV.

After we got settled in to our rooms, which is quite nice really. The mattress is soft yet firm, even the pillows, and a huge window. I let out a contented sigh, it felt like home. Well, technically, its my house.

I looked at the futuristic looking digital clock on my bedside table, 8:00 pm. It was just the 4 of us in the house, since my older self had to do something, pretty sure it had to do something in a movie set. Since when did I become so intrigued with movies, at this late of night?

I shrugged at the thought, walking towards the bed and laid down. Closing my eyes for a second, until I opened my eyes with the sound of metal clanking, "What the hell?" I sat up, and but being tired, I ignored and laid back down. After minutes had past I heard a sudden yell, "GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE, BRIAN AND DEAKY! DINNER'S READY!"

What? Since when did Freddie and Roger made dinner, I didn't really like that idea. I stood up, and closed my door behind me. And I was greeted with John looking crazy with all of his sticking up on every place. "What happened to you?" I asked, walking down the stairs with him.

He looked at me with slight bloodshot eyes, "I did a little bit of shut-eye, since I was feeling exhausted. And this is the result." he gestured towards his crazy hair.

"Hmm." I chuckled and we went to the kitchen. Seeing nothing but 3 bowls of cereal, and a plate with just 4 carrots and 1 celery.

"Here you are, darlings!" Freddie giving Roger a bowl of cereal, as well as John, then Freddie handed me the plate with carrots and celery on it. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "Uhm," I hummed, looking back to John and Roger, who were confused, so Roger didn't help Freddie with this..

"This is what you call dinner, Fred?" John spoke, while looking at his cereal and back to Freddie.

Freddie put his hands in surrender, "Well, don't look at me, Roger asked me if I can cook our dinner for tonight!" he said, defensively.

"I didn't know you were going to make us cereal!" Roger shot back.

"And besides," Freddie added, "there's not a single meat lying around this house!"

I shrugged, "We're vegetarians.." It's a bit weird calling ourselves 'we' instead of 'I', since we're the same person..

"I swear, that man is a fuc*ing savage." Freddie noted. I looked at him with a exasperated expression on my face, "You're talking about me, Freddie. We're the same person." I reminded him.

"Oops." he replied, adding a sheepish grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the group, making my way to the living room to eat. I decided to munch on a carrot, while I absentmindedly stare at the blank TV screen. Seeing the TV remote on the coffee table in front of me and I reached for it.

I studied the remote while looking for the power button, I pressed it and immediately was blinded by the light.

"Christ!" I exclaimed, then the light started to go down a little bit. I sighed in relief and saw a button that says 'Netflix'. Huh, I wonder what this button do.. as I was about press it, I stopped.

My thumb was hovering the button. I just remembered those cliché movies I've watched.. What if this button could blow up the house? I narrowed my eyes at the thought.

"Why the hell are you staring at the remote, Brian?" Roger sat down beside me, munching on his cereal. "'Netflix', huh?What's that?" he said, his mouth full of cereal with milk dripping down his lips.

"Uhm," I hesitated, "I don't really know, it looks like a self-destruct button.."

John and Freddie joined us, while I was still sketchily staring at the button. Yes, this is ridiculous. Very ridiculous.

Roger raised his eyebrow, "Don't be absurd, press it!"

Freddie walked up to me, "Press what?" his curiosity made me a bit nervous.

Roger chuckled, "Brian thinks that it's a self-destruct button!" munching more cereal.

"This is absurd, darling. Press the button! I'm very curious, and I don't like waiting." Freddie put his hands on his hips.

"But what if it IS a self-destruct button? You'll never know in these days!" I gestured at the button. Then, unexpectedly Roger pressed the button that made me throw it at the ceiling. "Run!" I yelled, as I went into a fetus position on the back of the couch.

Nothing happened.

"Are you done?" Roger looked down on me, with a stupid grin on his face. I looked at the screen, and basically it was just a movie channel. Jesus, Brian. Are you off your mind? Well, this damn future thingies are making me crazy!

I went to sit on my spot, feeling a discomfort when I sat. "You just sat on your carrot, Bri." John pointed.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, yes. I know.." I crossed my arms, while I feel like Roger is looking at me, still with that stupid grin in his face.

Now, I just made a rivalry between me and that so called, 'Netflix'.



"Ally!" I called, but she didn't turn, "Ally!" I called again.

She looked at me with confusion, annoyance were glinting on her eyes, and went to look back at her clipboard, "It's Dr. Diaz to you, Dr. Graham.."

I rolled my eyes, "I-I need your help," I breathed out. Worst-case scenario is that she wouldn't help me. Best-case scenario is that she would help me, and the most likely outcome would be..

"What is it, David?"

I took a deep breath. Why not just let it all out? "I need your help to get them out of there, we did this with the wrong people.."



anyways dis chapter is crap. im sorry

how are y'all doin?

oof just got from school, and i seriously can't focus by the lack of sleep. lord, im gunna die early.

welp. hope you guys have a great day at school, get some sleep! dont be like me.

 hope you guys have a great day at school, get some sleep! dont be like me

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now enjoy dis gif.. roger doing some uhm ahem something to brian. -dirty thoughts filling my mind-

srsly i was scReAmIng when i saw dis gif holy mother of god.

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