Chapter 21: Mission Impossible kind of thing, part two.

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As Brian was pushing Roger's bed, his right foot was sticking out with the tag Freddie had put in. He slightly grimaced at it, it kind of felt that he was really pushing a dead man's body, he couldn't help but imagine Roger being dead. And this is only pretend! Hell, this wasn't fun. Freddie stopped and Brian followed suit.

"Stay here." He ordered, Brian looked at a sign next to the door, 'John Deacon', he looked at Freddie, "He's here too?" Brian asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Of course, it's right there in front your eyes." he said, gesturing at the sign. Before he could ask him another question, he opened the door, then slightly closed it. Brian sighed, and took off Roger's blanket out of his face, then suddenly woke up, "What the hell- Brian?" he looked around, very confused.

"I'm sorry to say this but you're dead, Roger. You're in heaven." Brian replied, a smirk appearing on his face.

He looked at Brian, raising his eyebrow, "You don't look so much like Jesus to me."

The beard! Oh, If he haven't shaved it.. Brian rolled my eyes, "I'm just messing with you."

"What the hell is happening? Why are we outside my room and why are you wearing that?" Roger tried to sit up, but Brian slightly pushed him back, "Stay down. This is part of Freddie's insane hospital escape."

"Ugh, thank God. I want to go home."

Brian bit his lip and looked at him, "This is just wrong, we can't escape a hospital!"

"Well, too bad, astro-boy!"

Then Freddie walked out with two people following him behind him, the other one is a wheelchair. As Brian guessed, Deaky was in the wheelchair, since because of his floofy hair, and the wheelchair was being pushed by a man Brian didn't recognized.

"Have you involved a poor man to do this insane idea of yours, Fred?" Brian said, a bit shocked.

"It's me, John, ya idiot." the older bassist grumbled, Roger immediately sat up, his mouth slightly agape, "John? Holy crap look how old you've been!"

Freddie looked around, then immediately spotted a nurse walking down the hall way they're supposed to go, "Quick!" he exclaimed.

"Stay down, Rog!" Brian pushed Roger back, then puts his mask back on. Then slowly, Brian pushed Roger's bed, with a blanket on his face, while Freddie walked next to the old bassist pushing his younger self. Confusing, I know. The nurse looked at the cluster together.

"Hold it." the nurse stopped in front of the group, making them halt. "Where are you taking him?" he said, gesturing at Roger who was now breathing shallow to pretend that he's dead. Brian looked at the nurse, with a slight discomfort on his face. "The uh- mortuary."

"Let me see the tag." the nurse walked over to the bed, and looked at Roger's foot where the 'pretend' tag hanging on his toe. Then the nurse was about to take the blanket off his face. Immediately, Brian obliged, "Don't! He has uhm- a very, very, bad measles on his face that would surely make you throw up!" he exclaimed, making the nurse stop, and rolled his eyes, "Alright, what about you?"

Freddie bit his lip, "We're nurses-" he replied, "We know what to do." he raised his eyebrow at the nurse, making the nurse frown. "Yeah, but I haven't seen you before." the nurse remarked.

"Sure you have!" Freddie said, rather sassily. Surprisingly, both John's were staying mutely quiet. Then decided to speed-walk off without saying another word. Brian rolled his eyes, and followed Freddie, with the John's following at the back.

One doctor really find this act suspicious, and decided to check the group out. Jogging towards them, then Roger being a bit bored under the blanket, suddenly sat up and noticed. "Holy sh*t! Run!" Brian had the time to look back, with a horrid expression on his face, then sped up. Freddie even had the speed to catch up to them and sat on the bed, while Brian was pushing.

"Seriously, Freddie?!" Brian exclaimed, while Freddie looked back to the John's, "Run faster, John!" he said to the older Deaky.

The older John groaned exasperatingly, "I'm old, and you think I can run like an Olympic sprinter?" he snarled, then the 2 had the time to switch places, now the younger John was now pushing his older self, Looking back, more staff members we're chasing them.

"Where are we going?" Brian asked, as they we're turning left and right. The younger John was getting a bit queasy from turning. Then, all of the sudden they were surrounded. Brian looked around, his heart thumping really fast from all of the adrenaline, he looked for another passageway that wasn't surrounded by guards.

"Freeze!" the guards ordered. Sh*t. Brian cursed in his mind. One guard was about to tackle the younger bassist, to the guard's surprise, Freddie punched the guard knocking off his balance. Freddie didn't even know where that punch came from, but when Deaky's in trouble, he's always there to protect him. John looked at him in awe, and of course his older self had to ruin the little moment their having.

"Come on! Keep moving, there's more of them!"

"The basement parking!" Roger pointed out, sitting up like he was driving some car. Brian turned the bed quickly, carefully not turning it sideways, "Hold on!" he ordered, but a bit of him wants Freddie and Roger to fall off. John turned the wheelchair rather rough, almost making the older one fall off. The younger bassist muttered a little 'sorry'.

They entered a slope leading to the basement, guards were still running after them. Brian really felt like a criminal, hell, he barely done bad things in his life! Roger got off the bed and Freddie had the time to close the door leading to the basement, using the bed to block it. All of them sighed in relief.

"Damn, that kind of lacked of action." Roger mumbled, then Brian looked at him.

"Are you serious? We were really off our heads when we were doing that, Rog!" Brian threw his hands up, "Nice way to spend your time in the future in prison!"

"Don't get your underwear in a twist, darling, we're fine. Right?" Freddie looked at the John's. One who was breathing heavily from all the pushing, and sweating profusely causing his hair to stick on his face, which wasn't really helping. The other who seemed to be really chilled on the wheelchair.

"I'm fine." the older bassist replied, then looked back at the younger Deaky, who looked back at him, still couldn't believe the resemblance of the other man'a face. Then looked back at Freddie, and nodded.

"Good, can we go home? I need to take a shower." Roger slightly groaned, as he ruffled his hair. Then suddenly, the guards have managed to get the bed that was blocking the door out of the way.

"Ah, f*ck." Freddie cursed.

Roger looked at the older bassist, "John, where's your keys?" he wanted to drive. Yes, drive- like from Fast and Furious, but Roger doesn't know that movie yet. The older Deaky tossed him the keys, then Roger caught it. The guards were far away, but they ran as fast as their legs could go, still the bassist was sitting in the wheelchair.

As they got all in the car, Roger put the keys into the key ignition, then the engine roared to life. They all knew that letting Roger drive is really bad, but the situation is much more worse. Roger smirked, then gripped the wheel. He's going to have fun driving this.



please note any grammar mistakes, and spelling cuz i don't really edit my chapters. yes, im that lazy. but do you guys still want to do that cheese on toast plan thing?

oKAY GIMME UR ADRESS. kidding, but srsly- i need friends.

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