Miss Swan?

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      Emma sat in class, watching her mouth move with each word it formed. She gazed into her chocolatey brown eyes, and completely spaced out, until "Miss Swan?" 'MISS SWAN!" "oh- s- sorry. What?" Emma responded to the voice in a stutter, trying to snap back to reality. "The bell rang, you didn't seem to hear it."

      As Emmas eyes focused themselves, she remembered that she was in AP English, and she had been staring at her teacher for the entirety of lesson. "Sorry, I've been pretty out of it lately." Emma finally managed to say. "I've noticed." Responded Regina, sitting down at her desk.

      "Actually, since you're here, do you mind if I speak with you for a minute?" Regina questioned. "Sure... whats this about?" "Look Miss Swan, I'm your teacher, and I am one of the people in your life who is supposed to look out for you, and I have noticed that you are distracted."

      "I'm sorry, it's just I have a lot to take care of at my house." Emma said in sort of a mumble. "Right, Your 'Family Issues'" Regina responded, sounding a bit sarcastic. "Well, yes." said Emma, unsure of any other response. "Miss Swan, could this have something to do with that 'Henry' that you mentioned."

      "That- that doesn't matter. He's- no one." Emma stuttered, hoping she wasn't being obvious. "My job isn't just to educate you, but it's also to protect you, so if there is some guy that is giving you trouble, and treating you badly, I can help you. We all get into situations that are hard to get out of sometimes. This Henry can't treat you like that forever." Regina finished.

      "OH MY GOD!" yelled Emma standing up from her desk. "You just don't have a clue do you?! You know, it would be really nice if you didn't assume things about my life! No one is giving me a hard time, and yes, I have trouble sometimes, but that's because I'm juggling a lot. I wish I could make you understand, but I can't. It's personal, and last time I checked, I don't have to tell YOU about my life outside of school, so I would really appreciate it, If you would just mind your own business! Emma finally finished, grabbing her bag and storming off.

      Regina watched Emma run out of the room, looking like she was either about to break something, or cry. Regina sat down at her desk and put her head in her hand, as she thought about what else it could be. Sure, Emma told her to mind her own business, but Reina had grown to like, and care for Emma. She could tell that something was keeping Emma up at night, and she really wanted to help.


      Emma pulled up next to her condominium and walked up the stairs to her condo, as her phone started ringing. Emma answered and just said "On my way up now." "Alright see you soon." August responded, before hanging up the phone. When Emma opened the door she saw Henry running down the hallway screaming "Mommy!" 

      When the one year old got up to her, she scooped him up and gave him a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. "Hey bud! How was your day with Uncle August, were you on good behaviour?" "Yaaaaa." Said Henry, as he giggled into Emmas chest. Emma turned to august and said, "what happened?" 

      "Well, lets just say that he did not want Mac and Cheese for lunch. He kept grabbing handfuls of it out of the bowl and throwing them, and every time I gave him a bite, he spat it out and said 'NO!' It was crazy." Said August in response, sounding relieved that it was over. "Kid! You love Mac and Cheese!" Emma said to Henry playfully, tickling him his tummy as he giggle wildly.

     "Anyway, well thank for hanging out with him." Emma finished, putting her son down and Hugging August. Emma opened the door and let hime leave as she went over to henry and asked "So, I don't have any homework today kid. Do you wanna go get dinner at Olive Garden?" Olive Garden was henry's favourite. He LOVED the mashed potatoes. "YAY!" Screeched Henry, jumping up and down.

      "Emma pulled up to the restaurant, then went around and got Henry out of his carseat. Once they were inside, they were already ready to order since they went there all the time. "Hey Emma, what will it be tonight, same as always?" Asked Killian, her favorite waiter. "Yup,Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo, and a small seizer salad for me, and mashed potatoes for the little one." Confirmed Emma. "Coming right up!" Said Killian before walking away from the table.


      As Regina finished her meal, she called over her Waitress and ordered A Decaf coffee as her "Dessert" Once the waitress left to get the coffee and her check, regina looked to her right and noticed a woman with an adorable little boy in a highchair and messily eating mashed potatoes while coloring a coloring page. "Look Mommy!" The little boy squealed, as Regina saw him holding up the coloring page to the woman.

      "Wow, bud thats an awesome drawing!" Emma said enthusiastically as she got up out of her seat. Regina was still listening, and she recognized the woman voice immediately, but- she couldn't exactly pin point it. Emma picked Henry and his drawing up out of the restaurant high chair as she said "Alright kid, lets go wash up!" Then as the woman and the little boy got closer, she recognized the woman's face immediately.

      "Miss Swan?" Questioned Regina, standing up from her chair. When Emma heard that voice, she knew. There was only one person who called her that. She turned her head and found herself looking at Her teacher. Emma stopped in her tracks, mortified, Henry still in her arms. "Mommy?" Asked Henry "Mommy k?" Henry asked again. Emma couldn't ignore her son. "Yes Henry, Mommy's Alright." Said Emma, trying to reassure her one year old.

      When regina heard that name... Henry, she immediately felt like the guiltiest person on earth for saying what she did after class today. "Swan... I had no Ide-" "I know." interrupted Emma. "There was-no way that you could have known. I mean, I would have told you, but... my past is haunting, and every time I bring it up-" Emma paused, a tear rolling down her cheek.

      "No Emma, I had no business assuming things at school today. If I had really realised what you meant by personal, I would have left it alone. "It- it's okay. You're only human." Continued Emma. "I don't mean to be nosey, but, do your parents accept it?" "Um- I don- I don't..." Emma stuttered , more tears forming in her eyes. She just could't say the words "I don't have parents" without bringing up painful memories

      "Excuse me." Emma finally said, covering her mouth as she ran out of the restaurant with Henry, feeling like she was about to start bawling. "Emma! Wait!" Yelled regina running after her into the dark parking lot.



Hey guys! Here's chapter number four(1,250 words) Some important stuff definitely went down in this chapter. Tell what you think, or give suggestions for future chapters in the comments! Anything helps! Anyway, Thank you so much for reading, and I really hope you all enjoyed this new part to the story.Love you guys! Bye!<3<3<3


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