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Swings. My favorite ride of all. I was enjoying the moment when I suddenly fell on the ground.

I wanted to cry but nobody is around to comfort me and tell me, "It's okay, Gabrielle. You're fine, I am here for you," and cover up my wound.

I remain seated on the ground and tried to reach out to my knees. I looked at the wound and saw a big scratch on it, it's fresh and it hurts. As I was about to blow into it I heard someone approaching me.

An expensive looking Oxfords appeared in front of me.

"Here, cover it up." I didn't look up to see who it was instead I slowly grabbed the hanky. I used to cover my wound and I saw how it absorbed the blood off my wounded skin.

"Thank you." He reached out his arms to help me get up. I grabbed his hand and I unexpectedly felt safe.

"It's fine, you can do it. Here," He reassured me and grabbed something out of his pocket, "You can have this. Always remember to hold on to this."

I shook my head, "But why?"

He smiled, "So you will remember that it's okay to fall sometimes."

I looked at him, "I don't get it."

"You don't right now, but you will." He smiled as he patted my head.

"Bub." I whispered as I read the carvings written on it.

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