Twelve: The Comet

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As soon as I woke up, Ethan knocked on my door which was such a good timing. I looked at the clock and saw that it's already 2'oclock in the afternoon. Probably because I had another nightmare, the reason why I woke up feeling terrible. But when he arrived, I suddenly felt comfortable. I'm scared but I know that I am safe.

"Are you alright?" Ethan went to my kitchen to grab some water for me.

As time passes by, I got closer with Ethan. Since we were paired up for the competition, we always work together to come up with the best ideas. Ethan is really creative that is why I can't even choose the best from the number of options. Eventually, he we became comfortable towards each other. I slowly felt that Ethan is starting to pull down his walls when he's around me.

"I should get going, are you okay?"

"Oh.. Yes, thank you for staying. Let me know if you have decided," I said as he nodded and went straight out of the door.

After finding out what happened to me, Jessica called me but we ended talking about no other than, Ethan.

"Ugh! Gabrielle, why are you so careless?" Jessica said in annoyance.

"I know Jess! Ethan acts so stiff.. I mean he can be caring at times, which is sweet but I think it's just in his personality," I told Jess over the phone.

"We can't tell. We don't really know everything about him."

"Well I do and I think I am getting more comfortable around him."

"That's dangerous, Gabby! What are you getting into?"


"Tch," she hissed, "Meanwhile, Ian over here is going crazy about you. I always see how he's about to explode every time he sees you with Ethan."

"It's because he's putting some meaning into it."

"Well because there is Gabby come on, don't deny it!"

I laughed, "Huh, whatever Jess, I actually-" I stopped when I heard a knock on my door, "Oh wait, Jess. Someone's here."

"Oh, is that... Eeeethan?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ugh, Jess, shut up. I have to get this. Talk to you later."

I get so hyped up whenever I talk to Jess, however the smile on my face faded when I opened the door.

I was stunned, suddenly overwhelmed by my anger. I don't even know what to do.

I sighed, "Really? Tch," I tried to avoid looking at her.

Because right there in front of my apartment is my mom.

"Gabrielle, sweetie, we have-"

"Stop trying to act all sweet and innocent. How did you know this place anyway?! Did Ian tell you about it? Did they inform you about it?"

This time my mom's expression shifted from being loose to stern, "Gabrielle. Stop treating me this way. You know how I can easily know things about you. I can easily send someone to look after you and I can easily be informed about your daily activities."

My eyes widened from shock, "How dare you come here and act all egoistic about what you can do? And.. stop treating you this way?" I laughed, "You are funny. Coming from you huh? Where did you get all the confidence to say that? No. It's you who have to stop treating me this way."

"Gabrielle, you don't know what I am going through."

"I don't care. You don't even understand me anyway. For almost twelve years, you have put me in this situation."

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