Fifteen: Venus

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I was getting used to this. It seems like everyday, I'm getting more and more surprises.

"Oh life, thank you for your presents," I muttered as I rolled my eyes.

Jessica was biting her nails as she observed the picture in her hands.

"I saw something in your eyes that time, Jessica. Tell me, what were you worried about?" I said as I pop a chocolate in my mouth.

She looked at me for a second and said, "There's just a lot of things that are bothering me right now. I- I love you, Gabrielle. You are really important to me. Okay, I'll be honest," she let go of the picture and raised her arms in defeat, "I was worried for two reasons. First, I realized that this seems like really important for Daniel. I was jealous at first-"

I cut her off, "Seriously, Jess, it's not like I'll snatch him from you."

"I know, Gabby. But this is different."

"Okay, what's the other reason?" I asked.

"What if," she looked at me and this time her expression changed, "What if Daniel has something to do with your past? Remember your necklace?"

"Right, you are right!"

"What if- wait, when did you start having your dreams? What if it's all coming back because of Daniel?"

I covered my mouth in surprise as I look at her. I snapped my fingers.

"Jessica! I was sitting beside him during the flight when I had the dream!"

"See!" She said but then furrowed her brows in confusion, "But wait, you had your dreams even before that right?"

"Oh, then you're saying it could be Ethan? Now that I think of it, it's impossible and it's weird that my dreams are starting to show up just because of Ethan or Daniel. I don't think it has something to do with that."

"You're defending Ethan! Oh right, I researched about this," she pulled her phone up and read something from it, "The 'accident' that happened to your family is believed to be a foul play. Come to think of it, I believe that if it's true, the one who did this also-"

"Is also wealthy," I said and thought about it, "So that means, it's our competitor? Have you found something more?"

"No, Gabrielle. Everything about what happened in the past that involves you and your family were all hidden or deleted. I believe that your father has the power to do that. Connections. In fact, I risked my life trying to find something out of this. That's why, thank me later."

"Damn it," I muttered. I barely curse but when I do, it means that a tension is really building up inside me.

"What if it's Daniel? What are you going to do about it?"

She shook her head, "I don't know. But I think it's impossible. I've searched about the Whites and they're known for their charity. That's why I'm not a hundred percent sure about this. If that's the case, they probably don't have anything to do with your tragic past but have something to do with the necklace. Don't you even remember?"

"Jessica, I can't even remember the bad memories. How much more the good memories?" I shrugged, "and don't be jealous. Daniel is all over you. I believe he has his reasons why he said he wanted to protect me."

"Protect you from what?"

"Probably my mom, kidding," I laughed, "Did you know? She was trying to collect all the news about the incidents in the past. We saw her in the bookstore."


I nodded, "Yes. Ethan."

"Wait," she held up her hands, "You are going out with Ethan?"

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