Four: The Sky

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Today is the special day for the class of Clementine 2018. A day that all of us have been waiting for. Together, we are entering new paths in our lives. I just can't believe how quick time can pass by, we're finally going to graduate. Some chose to study abroad, some chose to stay here and some chose to start their own businesses. Ethan is right, it's a combination of desire and courage. With that, I had the courage to decline Mr. Reynold's offer and chose to take Fine Arts and Literature instead.

I have always dreamed of this moment and finally, I'm here. Seeing the smiles filled with happiness on people's faces, I can't help but tear up in joy. I love this scene. I love how families are gathered together to celebrate another chapter of their life. This room is filled with so much emotion, filled with life.

"It's wonderful, isn't it?" I heard Ethan's voice talking to one of the best guys in our school, Jason. Ugh. Not again, okay! Out of all the people in here, his voice is the first thing that I heard. I know, now that I'm fully aware of my emotion, I accept it but that doesn't mean I have to always feel so giddy and nervous all the time Ethan is here, self. Good thing we get to be apart after this day-

I stopped, suddenly I got worried. If that's the case, then we will no longer see each other? With that in mind, I got curious. I wonder where he plans to study. I slowly walked towards them without making it so obvious.

"Are you planning to sell your works? I really like your paintings. When I saw it, I was totally amazed dude. You really got some skills," Jason said.

"Thanks, but I'm not planning to. Maybe in the future. I just paint what I see," Ethan said with confidence.

"Man, that's really cool. You see things what others can't. It sucks, I really wanted to give it to my mom," Jason said with amusement

"That's art, Jason. You have to open your eyes and appreciate the smallest things, who knows it might also give you something you're longing for," Here it goes again, his words. It struck me, he always know what to say.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Malia came up to me,

"Gabby, I wanted to give you this gift. I personally want to thank you. Your journals in our school's magazine really inspired me. I became a stronger person because of you and Clint wanted to give you this letter," Malia hugged me tight and I can feel how certain her gratitude is.

"You know me, Malia. All I want is to lift people up. You know you can still contact me after this, thank you so much. Clint? Oh wow, he used to be so bold with his emotions," Clint and I started to have some distance since the incidence with Mr. Reynolds.

"Woah! Look who's here! Gabby! Props to you! Congrats for being awarded for your poetry. You also got some skills there, huh!" I was surprised when Jason suddenly butted in our conversation and Ethan was also there so I just got shy all of a sudden. Why, why, why is my body not cooperating with me.

Yes, you heard it right, I may not have gained the best award but I'm really grateful for what I have earned. Well, that wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for Ethan's encouragement, I thought to myself.

I smiled, "Thanks, Jason. Congratulations for being the top of your class. You know we all got our skills. It's really amazing how you can be sporty and smart at the same time," I said as I gave him a hug as well. I smiled, this is me. I have always helped and encouraged people. All I wanted to do is spread love to the people around me. I thought as I tried to reassure myself.

Without thinking of my actions, I find myself reaching out for Ethan to give him a hug. I cannot back out anymore! I tried my very best to do it without making it awkward.

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