Thirteen: Asteroids

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After a week, Ethan called me and said that he will help me find the journal that I have been looking for. I agreed to it so he dropped by my apartment to fetch me, we set this day to visit the bookstores in our local area to find the old journal that I was looking for.

"Are you ready?" I asked Ethan as I fixed my bag before going out of my apartment.

He nodded.

"Let's go," I said.

During our walk, I can't help but notice how good Ethan's height is.

"You're tall."

He looked at me and nodded as an answer.

I smiled. I looked at the glass as we passed by a boutique. I saw how my height actually creates a good pair with his height.
"Wait," I grabbed his hands, "Let's take a picture," I said as I striked a pose, Ethan, on the other hand, stood there beside me.

"Seriously, you're so stiff!" I said.

"I don't take pictures a lot," he said.

"Really? Why? You prefer to paint it?" I said while I look at the pictures that I have taken.

He nodded, "I prefer to keep it in my mind."

I looked at him, "But, what if these pictures are the only memory you have? What if this is the last time you would be with someone else, you'll probably regret not taking a lot of pictures with them. Or what if you lost your memory."

I babbled as we kept on walking towards our fourth bookstore.

He didn't bother to respond anymore since we already reached our destination. When we entered the bookstore, it gave me an ethereal ambiance.

"Wow," I said in awe of the bookstore's architecture. "This is my favorite bookstore now," I said while giggling at the view of the store.

While I was in awe, I heard a shutter beside me. I saw Ethan, smiling, with his phone in his right hand.

"I thought you don't take pictures?"

He shrugged, "I'll probably regret not taking pictures."

I blushed. I stood there, taken aback of what he said. What is happening to me?

I saw Ethan scanning the books on the history and literary section. There, a book caught his eye and he grabbed it as soon as he found it. He has no idea that I was observing him when a young looking guy approached me.

"Hey," the guy smiled at me.

I didn't know why I looked at Ethan to get his reaction but I just did and I saw that he tried to look at us for a moment.


"I saw how you seem so indulged with our bookstore."

I looked at him in surprise, "Your bookstore?"

"Yes, my parents managed to establish one since I am a book lover and I wanted to have my own library. An idea popped up in my mind to have a café bookstore so people can just chill out as they have their coffees as they read."

My eyes widened in awe, "That's just amazing! You know when I entered your shop, it actually gave me a sweet aroma," I looked at the café area, "I didn't notice that this is a café bookshop." I smiled.

"I'm Jerry," he said as he reached out his arms.

I shook his hands, "Gabrielle."

"Beautiful name," He said.

My agenda suddenly popped out on my mind, "Oh, Jerry! Do you have any old journals or newspapers in your bookstore?"

Jerry closed his eyes for a second, "You're interested in history huh?"

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