Chapter Twenty Three

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Bit of a filler chapter I guess... it's not that spectacular but the next chapter is planned to be big and eventful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thankyou to all the readers who have stuck around and voted, commented and even to the silent reaaders out there. The support in this book is crazy and I've reached over 11k votes! To some people its not that big but to me its huge!


Sorry for any spelling and grammer mistakes.



I have a few photos of people but I'm not sure if you guys like the people I chose or the people you imagine, let me know if you want to see a photo of someone :)


‘Alana!’ Tanner whined like a two year old at me. ‘You’ve been moping around for days and you’re not telling me why!’ he complained. ‘Let’s go do something.’ He suggested.

‘I’m not in the mood,’ I grumbled at him, burring myself even further into the doona. I heard an exasperated sigh come from Tanner as he stood at my bedroom door, peering in on me.

‘You’ve been saying that all week.’ He groaned, sounding fed up. ‘What happened Alana?’ he asked softly, his voice full of concern. 

I shook my head, not bothering that he more than likely couldn’t see me from hiding under my doona like a protection shell, blocking me from the outside world.

It was pretty obvious to myself that rejecting Michael had me so down, but it’s not like I can tell Tanner that. Yes I can say that I broke up with someone and I’m missing him like crazy but then he would pry into and try to get every bit of gossip about it. This was something that I didn’t want to talk about, best friend, non-related brother or not. 

The pull was gone, I no longer felt as if I needed to be near Michael any more but it’s like I missed that feeling. I felt empty in a way. This sounds stupid but Michael was a part of me. Always invading my thoughts and feelings but now there was nothing but an empty space that he used to occupy. I know the bond is broken and I feel as if nobody will want me like he did previously.

It was selfish of me to reject him, but I felt obligated to protect myself. I wasn’t going to let myself die at the age of 23 by some crazy person who hunts werewolves. I wanted to die from natural causes or by doing something I love, even if it means giving up someone who I really, really enjoyed spending time with.

We hadn’t talked for the 6 days. They had come and gone like always but they days went by much slower than usual. I went home and cried after leaving Michael on the beach. The mark on my neck had disappeared.  I inspected myself after my shower to find the mark gone. There was no sign of it ever being on my neck. It hadn’t been there for a very long time but I missed it like crazy. I now had nothing to do with him, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

All I knew was I just missed Michael.

I heard Tanner shuffling and dodging around everything on my floor as he made his way over to my bed. Still not moving from my current position, I just stared into the grey and white design on the doona cover.

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